Road trip in numbers
4950kms driven
3 states and 1 territory visited
2 timezones (Queensland doesn't do summertime)
1 parking ticket (undeserved in our opinion)
9degrees, the lowest temperature we saw on the thermometer (it was colder at night though)
$18 the price we paid for a blanket from an op shop (charity shop) to keep us warm
2 patches of snow seen in the alps
5 - the most kookaburras seen at once
1800m the highest altitude we reached
3 places where we saw wild koalas -Kennett River, Otway Lighthouse and Lorne, they are so cute!
1000s of fruit bats that flew over the campsite at Mullumbimby
1960s, when most of Canberra was built, mmmm concrete!
12 insect bites on Anna's left arm, 9 on Josh's right ankle, lots more elsewhere
1 night spent in a hostel because we needed a break from the van
6am, a 'late start' over Easter weekend for the receptionist at the site just north of Brisbane. Aussies really don't get the concept of a lie in.
30 the approximate number of dolphins in the pod we spotted in the sea in Byron Bay.
1973, the year that hippies arrived at Nimbin and never left.
3 finger limes for $1, they are a type of very yummy native citrus
10 bugs, like large flat prawns; they were rather tasty.
1 unfriendly publican in Walhalla
50+ pelicans at the pelican feeding at The Entrance
2 much appreciated cups of tea made for us by Chris, a friendly Austrian with a very weird accent.
1 camp fire
4 death rolls performed by Mosman the saltwater crocodile in the Crocoseum show
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