Hey ya'll.
Recovered from the last blog? Just wanted to write one final blog from Ecuador before we cross the border to.....
LLAMA COUNTRY! That's right, we're on our way to Peru! (I am super excited about all the Llama sightings and encounters!!! eeee!)
Had a lovely time in Cuenca going to museums - one about traditional costumes in South America, which also had heaps of cool art and sculptures; one that lured us in because of the shrunken heads! but also had heaps of other stuff about the different tribes etc in Ecuador; and one that was part of a convent that has been turned into a museum - very interesting, but I was a bit 'god-ed' out after that one!
Tried to visit the old church and the new one, but the old one was closed and we were denied from the new one (I think it was closing, who knows!) but we saw them from afar!
Had a DELICIOUS dinner at a posh (well posh for our budget anyway) Italian restaurant. Totally ate a creamy pasta, but it was well worth it, even though I spent the rest of the night feeling ill!
Left this morning (after being locked in to our hostel - the people working there thought that we were going to do a runner.... god only knows why as we were the most annoying guests, complaining about every single group that were placed in the room above us - the walls were paper thin, so we heard banging, kids jumping off beds, snoring, and yes... people having sex....) and bussed to Loja where we are now.
Was definately a plesant bus ride compared to the last with the only complaint being that we got sore bums after sitting for so long! We are at the bus terminal now and our next bus leaves at midnight - 5 hours away. Woo.
We were approached by a policeman earlier - he was looking for someone who could speak Spanish and English and I guess he picked us cause he saw the whiteness hahahaha. Cherie ended up having to translate for an Aussie boy (retardedly awkward I might add...) who's bag got stolen off his bus on the way here. Had an interesting ride to the police station in the police ute - though I was hoping it would have been on their motorcycles. Ah well.
So yeah, next stop Peru! Will talk to you all then!
Lots of love!xxxx
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