Have just read this latest blog, they arealways a treat
What we did, was rip the country we had seen out of the very fat and heavy Lonely Planet, so it became thin and light!!
That is, unless you want to keep it for a souvenir
Love Me
Gidday again, your trip is reading better and better. I cannot get over the ground you are covering, it is incredible! Love your descriptions of everything and feel as though I am there
What I want to know, is, did you ever see the French film Chocolat where she mixes up this amazing concoction of drinking chocolate?
Did you drink anything like that? Boy! that would be chocolate fix if ever there was one!
Sounds like you and Ma are doing very well, you will both be skinny after climbing around the hills like mountain goats, anyway chocolate gives you energy and it sounds as if you need it. You never say you are tired, that is a good sign
Weather has broken here AT LAST and wonderful warm sunny mornings, well last 2 days anyway...I spent some time in the vegetable garden yesterday and will watch for the little slug b******s that have stripped the silverbeet OVERNIGHT!! I had put down hay mulch, but doesn't seem to have kept the slugs at bay, lets see how the Pyrethryum spray did later on!
Lots of UK political stuff on re election etc and last night Oz Budget was read and seems OK for all...but hey, what would I know
All the best, go safely, Love Gail
Gidday from rainy far North of Qsd!
yep, it is still raining off and on, been 3 1/2 months now. I cannot help but feel envy when I read about the Mediterranean sun you are getting. But soon, soon, ours will appear
All well here Patti off to Korea this week for 21 days doing soap workshops.
Liam is fine, downturn in customers though. Who would want to come to this place in the Wet and drive round sightseeing in a fogged up vehicle?
Keep on, keeping on having a woinderful time, Hi to Mum Love Gail
Aunty Linda
Hi Amiee, Your mum has kept me posted on the latest and given me your blog. Holy sht, what an experience for you guys. Gosh this takes some reading and realising how lucky you are to be in one piece - head up and stand tall you will get through it all and in the end you'll be able to say what an amazing adventure you had overseas. I would be crapping myself all the way (maybe it's my old age). Hey, no doubt by the time you read this, you will be in LA relaxing with a nice coffee or wine or two. Have you met any nice Sth Americans to bring home with you?? Hey, good luck and lots of love Aunty Linda xx
Jimmy and I have just finished reading of your earthquake trauma
I KNOW just what that feeling is, I hate them
Anyway very happy to hear you are safe and sound and you certainly have put us in the picture regarding the experience...thankyou
Just rang Nana who said you were on a 22 hr bus ride to ? have forgotten already
Patti, Maurice and Liam away in SE Asia having a great old time. They are not travelling together, but their paths might cross.
Weather iffy, typically tropical Wet and sunny one minute thus becoming very steamy!
I have been gardening and am covered in wee ticks that itch like crazy! Have to wash down with tea-tree oil.
Keep on enjoying, Love Gail
Hello again Amy, I seem to be the only one emailing, or is there another site I am supposed to go on to?
Anyway I just loved reading the Blog and was right there with you with your descriptive writing.
I agree about the the front 2 seats on the bus, being the best seats, and lol when I read of your experience with radiator etc
Plus the hoon driving, you sure see it all from those front seats!
Do you not think we live very sheltered and spoilt lives Downunder compared to how others live? In Oz especially, we are protected within an inch of our lives in case we fall over and God forbid sue someone!! for being clumsy ourselves.... compared to what you are seeing we live the Dream
I remember coming back from Indonesia and Thailand years ago and getting rid of 'stuff' that I did not need or even use! Those people were turning out amazing food with a gas ring, a wok and pair of chopsticks as their utensils!
Anyway keep on keeping on with your friends, it all sounds marvellous and glad to hear you are very well and happy...that is the main thing
The veg garden Iwrote about is about to be ripped out and replanted next month! We have had kgs of beans, 12 lettuce, aurbergine, lebanese cucs and lots of roma tomatoes. The herbs are rampant and will not be removed as they are good for a couple of years at least. (I hope!) Unfortunately something ate all silverbeet plants and spinach did not fire at all!
Patti and husband Maurice are off to Bali and then on to Thailand for a month and Liam goes to Thailand for 4-6 weeks also Everyone leaving separately on Tuesday, they will be missed.
better go, Lawn mowing is beckoning as always
the best always Gail
Gail Flynn
Hello again Amy Had a gentle reminder from your grandmother to read your blog and it is so good, thankyou
The Wet has arrived here On Dec 29th we had 24 wee guinea fowl chicks turn up with their parents. Still have 24 as Jimmy fixed up the henhouse with smaller wrire netting They are only the size of walnuts when hatched and the marauding birds like magpies, kooksburras and currawong and not to forget the ever circling hawks and kits take them very quickly
We now have 40 on the property.
Since I last wrote, I put down a big veg garden, well within 3 weeks we were eating lettuce leaves and herbs from it Now it is rampant and has really got away I could keep Liam in all herbs for 3 months at the moment. People give us stuff to plant and right beside me now is tumeric Nana has the goods on growing coriander, so I have to try it today also
Well Amy, you are having such a good time, I am going to try and go backwards to read the rest of the blog, but a wee bit dumb so have to nut that little action out!
best wishes for a safe and healthy 2010 Gail and Jimmy
Gail Flynn
Gidday Amy, I am enjoying your blog, keep it coming. Always great to hear of others experiences when abroad.
Weather here very muggy, we are waiting fot the Wet season to kick in. The Silly Season has already started and our mailbox is bombarded with brochures etc.
Takes me all my time to send a card or 2 let alone actually go out and purchase gifts!!
I hope you and you friend keep safe and healthy and please keep the Blog coming, it is great
Craig & Liz
Sounds like you are having loads
of fun so enjoy enjoy enjoy and
keep those photos coming.
Great photos!! and nice to see some of you!1Your hostel looks nice.
Jan Harvey
Hi there am trying this to see if it works then maybe some of your rebel friends who dont want to join facebook may send a a email. Luv Yu Nana