Amelia, Round The Other Side!
My feet are so sore i must ahve walked about 25k today!!! walked all the way from the city centre to mount eden which is an extinct volcano in auckland. there are tons of old volcanoes around and from up there you can see tons of them. Whats makes this one special is that is still has its cone!! it was cool, a 50m drop into the centre of the cone! viwes of auckland were amazing from up there too! I then walked back to hostel and had to clean my legs as all the dust from up on the hill had made me mocket! spent the rest of the day wandering around the city and down to the marina where i managed to burn only my hand!! yes just my hand!! i ahve a photo! its a freak of nature! Just my left hand! dunno how or why! Its pretty painfull though! The sun is very scary here. you dont realise how stong it is! never felt the sun to be this strong before! I then took a walk to the sky tower and watched someone jump off it so see what it was like and then i went and did it! it was really cool! you get to wear special shoes and a flight suit and this rather attractive harness that pulls you in all the wrong places! nayway it was me and two other guys that were taken up and the lift in the sky tower is terrifing!!!! its glass and has a glass bottom and glass sides and its really unsettling as you climb higher and higher! got to top and the two guys went first (they paid first). the i went.! The people doing it are really friendly and i sirt if forgot that i was about to juimp of a building 192m from the landing platform! It is new zealands bigets jump! The woman got me all locked in and then told to take a hold of the sides....i could bearly reach from pole to pole which scared me a bit as all i could think about was not holding my grip and falling! she then shouted 3,2,1 and i ahd tio jump! and i could move! i though oh my god what am i doing! i couldnt look down! so took and breath look straight ahead and went for it! that is the scariest moment of my life! once i was falling though it was really cool!!! wind just breezed past me! and then about 10ft from the ground i was stopped!! legs were shaking a bit though,but adrenilin was going!!
afterwards i went back to haostel and fell asleep for a couple hours! was exhausted! think its was all the walking! plus my feet were killing me! had an early night as had a bus to go to tauranga at 730am!
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