Amelia, Round The Other Side!
i am in Byron Bay now which is hippie central! crystal shops and alternative things evverywhere!! its cool! staying at a hgostel called the arts factory where you can get free didge lessons (make your own too) fire twirling, do yoga, martial arts!! there is so much!! you can stay in a teepee!!!! and it in reclaimed swamp land so lots of big bugs and spiders and lizards!!!!! went on a bush tucker walk and got to eat flowers and drink nectar straight from a flower and found out about medicines and different things that are ijn plants even in eurpoe!! i had no idea!!! drank water out of a tree too!!! I have actually seen the biggest spiders of my life now!!!!! it was the size of my fist!! going to get a photo of it!! also have red back spiders (the second most deadly) out side our room!!!!! apparently they dont leave there nests so we are ok!!!!???!!!!??? aye right!!!!!! well get som photos of those too!! creepy!! we have water dragons living at the hostel (they are mighty cool) and other big bugs etc.... not been bitten by a mossie yet although the place is ridden with them! they just dont like me!! hostel had a talent contest last night but it wasnt your normal type!! everyone was talented musicians and ot was great!! heard a canadian band called shaking judy who are travelling just now!! they were really cool!!! saw a guy place the maracacas, drums, guitar, didge and sing all at the same time!! was impressive and catchy!! really like it here it soo chilled out!! beach is lovely!! they had major storms till recently!! gald its suny now!! its is very hot though!!! bit tooo hot at times!!!
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