Christmas Time: a time for an overload of presents, food, family, friends, booze and in England the hope of a white Christmas. We set on a mission to visit Caz in the South-west of England to Somerset (about a 4 hour bus ride from London), famous for its cider and good looking farmers.
My London orphan family consisted of Jess (who actually saved her presents and opened them on Christmas Day, unlike me), Adelaide (who has the singing voice of an angel), & Victoria (NB: this is no joke, seems to be that my Australian friend's parents like to name there child after states in Australia).
We were staying in Caz's lovely english pub 'The Rest & Be Thankful Inn' with a roaring fire and cosy couches. Our hope of a white Christmas was dashed, and instead we were greeted with rain, rain & more rain. So much infact that the whole of the Somerset county was in flood.
To compensate missing yet another messy Christmas Eve at the Bottom Pub in Wintown, I celebrated instead with a night at the pub full of shots, hanging out with Somerset old men, boozing & listening to Adelaide sing kareoke. She really should try out for Australian Idol - I would compare her to the likes of Susan Boyle mixed with that asian guy that had the hit song 'She Bangs, She Bangs'.
I contemplated going to midnight mass, to get a little bit of religous influence as this is something I am completely lacking in. It would be good to try something new, but sadly this idea was quickly forgotten once under the (not so holy) influence of a few hearty beverages.
We woke up to a different breakfast tradition - one of the full english breakfast. This went down a treat as we were a tad under the weather from all the kareoke maddness. Caz opened the pub and all the locals came down for a drink, while we prepared a delicious feast with all the trimmings. Was brilliant having a commercial kitchen & dishwashers at our disposal, made everything a thousand times easier.
I find it extremely strange celebrating christmas in winter, and certainly missed the BBQ and playing backyard (sheep s*** dodging) cricket with the family. Instead we went for a walk through the village in the rain donning fake moustaches & eyebrows, and english caps.
Had a great time opening our presents, and everyone had a secret santa whom they had to buy for. Our favourtie present of the day was Caz's from her cute wee Mum - who gave her a bain-marie for at home dinner parties, most useful present in existence aye Caz ;)
Had a great cosy time with the northern hemisphere family, and was well rested for our upcoming New Year's trip to Berlin.
Happy festive season x
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