The big flight over was horrible, esp the 19 hour flight from Melbourne - Dubai! Watched a few movies harry potter, authur (with russell brand), about 20 episodes of glee, found out how boomerangs and umbrella's were made, exciting stuff I tell you. Food was pretty good I was going to write an indepth menu that I had but wont bore the pants of you! Except for the Aribian platter I had for lunch on the plane after Dubai (which was 35 degress at 5.30 am in the morning whilst getting off the plane - hard to breathe!) which consisted of crazy cheeses, dips, a thin type of breads some weird green stuff. All an experience not sure if it was a good one tho.
The McDonalds in Dubai airport was amazing, you could get Chicken Big Mac which is the same as our Big Mac's here but with the McChicken patty instead, also the had a "double up" of everything with MCChickens with not just 1 patty but 2 (Kate I think Mark would be in heaven here).
London: tubes, heat, people, chaos, concrete, weirdo's = alot different than Invervegas! Arrived at Heathrow and had to wait in Immagration for about an hour in line, lucky I hadnt picked up my 18.5 kg pack yet, got a room in "budget accomodation" for 35 pound a night, budget my ass - althought it did live up to the budget name with the cum stain on my blanket and blood on the draws but had clean sheets and a nice shower and got brekky included. Apparently hot milk is the thing to have in your cereal (vomit). You would all be impressed with my superior map reading skills, that is until the street didnt appear where it was meant to, standing on the corner been walking for 20 mins with a gigantac pack, sweaty and henus and a man stopped and got his gps out (he couldnt even find it on the map I had) and gave the right directions.
Learnt my first lesson of being a Londoner, get an oyster car for the transport system which you use on a sensor system and just load it with money instead of buying tickets, and do not stand on the left on the elevators as it does not make you very popular as ppl are always in a rush and this is the side they run down. Its like being in a live Monopoly game seeing all the places, I am yet to see Mayfair and Park Lane - I always hated those 2 places anyway always bankrupted me! Lesson number 2: always check the exact street name as I spent a significant amount of time walking down Oxford Street to find my destination, only to be informed that I was meant to be on New Oxford Street, of course.
Got my bank account sorted out, alot different to Westpac, the workers call eachother bruv and seem to use is as a pickup service rather than a bank. Talked smack for about an hour but was good to be out of the heat, found out he had only been doing the job for 2 weeks, was 24, lived in Wandsworth, liked long walks on the beach.. haha maybe not the last bit but you get the drift.
Meet up with Nicola and Si at Starbucks at the train station, where they have groves in the chair to put your handbag in bewtween your legs to prevent pickpocketers stealing your stuff, dirty b******s. They were away to Devon for the weekend, and gave me the keys to there flat (they are amazing) was quite a journey getting there got ripped off by a curry muncher taxi driver 28 pound later that should only have costed 14, another lesson to always get a stated price before you get in the taxi.
Went to the Walkabout pub, which is a scungy kiwi/aussie/south african pub - reminded me off the cook, good times to be had and ridulously cheap. Takes a while to get anywhere but always buzzing no matter what time of day/night, walked down the street at midnight (jetlagged couldnt sleep) only to see 2 guys injecting themselves with herion in a phone booth, fair to say I didnt hang round much longer.
London has been crazy with riots/looting the last few days, got a first hand experience as I got of the train to find a police officers, roads blocked off, windows smashed, buildings burnt out - as the rioters had hit the night brfore, quite scary as couldnt get a bus to Nicola's flat so had to walk 45 mins home. Overall has been cool, will take a bit of getting used to but will be a great place with something always going on, on the top of my to do list is to go to the Lion King musical. I wonder if anyone is actually still reading this after my s*** yarns, if so well done your commited.. until next time stay classy San Diego. xoxo
- comments
Kate Awesome Manda! But would you please read a Lonely Planet or some kind of travel guide they have all the tips and tricks so you avoid getting ripped off by curry munchers, know to get an oyster card, and know not to go out walking at night by yourself!
Sam Love your yarns! And that you are living up to your sweaty nickname. Stay safe, keep writing xx
The Amanda aaaha Dubai sounds awesome! TAKE PHOTOS NOW
The Jack Man + Ms Chloe Cool crash down buildings. bye mana
Emma (streaker) Love this Manda, get lots of photos, will hopefully be seeing you next year :-) fingers crossed, you look after yourself over there, be safe, be seen, love to you Xxx
Aleshia Sounds great the dream. i am jealous.keep us updated.... lov ya long time xox keep safe
Greg Great blog Amanda,sounds exciting and worrying at the same time,especially with the roits ,keep the news coming and keep having the cool adventure
Kate Fairbairn good to hear from you manda, sounds exciting! but dnt wander the streets at midnight would you!!
Kate Hi Amanda - great blog, laughed all the way through it. Hope you are keeping out of mischief and haven't got caught up in the riots. Tis very quiet at work without you - I think Nigel is missing you!
Lanerrrr Julie.. i'm impressed that you managed your first blog so soon... i love how by the second paragraph u managed to mention maccas :) Play safe and drink so much on this tour u don't have enough time to update the blog till its over :) i can not wait for the novel of henus spewing sightseeing antics! Over and out roger
Becky Hey Keen sounds like your having a amazing time and this is significantly better than your chicken nugget story, which is the definition of a sharn. Your nails must be really long and your suitcase a mess, but i'm sure not as messy as a night on the cider. Love always, Becky
Abby Hah I'm reading this on the train to work, People think I'm a wierdo I'm sure because I'm cracking up by myself ! Sounds awesome Can't wait to do it all myself have picked Up some handy tips too ! xxxx