So pretty peed off to realise that some random people have been commenting random s*** on our blog! The only reason we are writing this is to keep a diary of our experiences which can then be printed into a book so we can look back on this once in a lifetime experience for years to come! Happens to be a bonus that friends and family back home can also keep up to date with where we are and what we are doing! Modern technology is great for piece of mind! I don't understand why after 7 month this has all started now?! I don't mind other travellers reading our blog for tips and ideas (if there are any even there) as am sure I read a few before I signed up but no need for posting things that have no relevance to us or our trip! I will be going through each and every comment and do my best to delete and report every one that i class as spam!! Not happy!! There are always a few small minded people who spoil a good thing!!!
Anyway.......back to our adventures!!
Tue 25/9 - Sat 29/9
Had a pretty relaxing few days in KL so not much to report! We were glad to get our afternoon bus on Tue and leave the cold behind us in the Cameron Highlands! Arrived in KL earlier than expected, found our hostel and relaxed on the rooftop for the rest of the evening. Getting quite into my ibooks now and managed to read one whole book today!lol. Wed went by in a blur, relaxing at the hostel, looking into our New Zealand visa, met an english/aussie guy who we went for dinner with and had a few drinks in our hostel. Two bottles of vodka and some mixers only cost us £4 each. Not bad for decent night! Needless to say we had another lazy day on Thu, no hangover in sight tho which was a bigger bonus! Seemed to have learned the lesson about mixing drinks!! So friday we finally made it out to do a bit of sightseeing. Glad to be heading to New Zealand as we have now totally lost interest in sighseeing! Its a shame because there is no excitement with it now, its more of a chore!! We headed to the KL tower which was great as we managed to go when there were people sky diving from it! Crazy people, wouldn't catch me doing it any time soon! It would have been a great opportunity for any one who was interested as it was only around £40 to have a go!! Next we went to the Petrona Towers which are the tallest twin towers in the world! Pretty amazing structure! By far the nicest and most amazing tall building we have seen on our trip! Was nice to sit and take in the view for a bit! Headed back to china town the way, got our bus to Singapore booked for tomorrow night and joined the free buffet at our hostel. Had an early night which was a mistake coz was woken up many a time by drunk people coming in! Found it hard to get back to sleep each time since I had slept for so long! Spent Sat kicking about the hostel and the Reggae bar again getting things sorted since its only a couple of days till we head to New Zealand. Be glad to get to our bus at midnight to get some sleep! Cant see our one day in Singapore being very productive!!
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