Groceries from woolwothsonline arrived this morning, we'er all set up re food for the week here. I am quite impressed with the quality of items delivered, its just as if I had done the shopping myself. Decided to do the online food shop since i already had the free delivery on my rewards card and trawling through a mega woolworths store is not part of our travel itinerary . Just one tinsy winsy problem, I ordered 6 kilos of pink lady apples by mistake. Well not really by mistake, I had a flare up of hay fever symptoms yesterday due to the hot dry winds, so i took 25 mg of phenegan to knock myself out. However I also decided to shop after taking the medication and the rest, as they say is history. By the time I came to check out, I could not tell my apples from my bananas, so rather than the 3 kilos apples and 3 kilos bananas I intended to buy, I ended up with 6 kilos apples ( all pink ladies at that), and 3 single bananas! Just discovered the mistake/mishap when the items were delivered this morning. I have no fear about the apples, the members of my family can systematically devour those with ease. However I have hidden the 3 bananas until I can figure out how to share 3 bananas among 6 people without having to convene a UN Peace conference. Today's activity: Putt Putt golf PS One of the children has requested that I correct yesterday's blog to state what really happened during the drive on 15/10/13. She insists she was not 'touched' but was in fact 'hit'. Apparently using the word 'touched' belittles what she went through.
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Geoff The parrot is a Rainbow Lorikeet