Day one in Sydney: The journey between loxton and Griffith NSW was uneventful, the children were angelic, there were no fights until the last hour of the drive when a certain child complained she was being 'touched' by another child. However since everyone had about had enough of the long drive by then, I can't blame the child too much: after all it was the end of a six hour drive plus two hour rest road trip. I guess the kid's social graces may have been enhanced by the amount of food and electronic devices we had going non stop during the drive: 2 ipads, 2 dvd players, 475 minutes of cartoons on dvd, 8 adventures on odyssey dvd sets and ear phones of course! Yes I know one should 'limit' the amount of electronics kids are exposed to especially during long drives when the family is supposed to be 'bonding' together and playing I spy all the way from SA to Nsw. Well, I simply chose limitless electronics over grievous bodily harm. There wasn't much to look at, the scenery just stayed the same, Godfrey drove, I slept, we pointed out a few places and things to grandma, I slept, we ate, I slept........ Had a look around Griffith, took pictures of citrus sculptures Griffith to Sydney drive much better. The scenery was beautiful, rolling hills, cattle grazing contentedly, just like a story book. The drive into the Northern beaches where we are staying wasn't too onerous Godfrey didn't find driving here stressful though I think the nsw bottom in first reverse parking a bit odd or maybe its just me!
- comments
Geoff Very interesting, now your at Narrabeen; I used to ride my push bike from Guildford to attend the camps at Narrabeen. Of course I was much , much younger then. We will eagerly wait for the next blog
amaechitrip Hello Geoff, The area is now quite densely populated, but it is still a beautiful leafy suburb, the lakeside caravan park is right next to the lake and across the road is a beautiful beach with rock pool for the kids.
marg. Limitless use of technology devices are the way to go!! Any thing for piece and quiet. Have a great time.Love to all