Two entries in two days-anyone would think the temptation to go on Facebook was getting too much...!
Officially have been away from home for three weeks now. In the space of these three weeks, have officially done more exercise than in the last three years of my life. This morning, for reasons which remain unknown, we decided to go on a bike journey through some paddy fields (Nigel's risk assessment concluding that, if we were to strictly follow the risk assessment plan, we wouldn't even leave the hotel room (though this was questionable due to the funny smell emanating from the sink, and the all too high risk of Legionnaire's from the air conditioning unit.) It was generally a fun experience, though much sun burning of hands, and a brief encounter with a water buffalo (apparently surprisingly boney to sit on.)
This afternoon was spent shopping. Lisa Outram is a bad influence on me. I am weak. Nigel is keeping Dom away from 'gap year' necklaces and Dom is keeping Nige away from red t-shirts.
This evening is a Vietnamese cooking class-likely to finish us all off/lead to abject humiliation... But once in a lifetime opportunity.
Love it here!! And wish you could all share it with us xxx
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