I'm so over the moon to find that people do love me after all lol Awh Dana totally loving that you think my teeth are white, it could also be the tiny bit of colour that the sun has blessed me with, making them glow . Oh you'll have to show mummy Anne how to get onto the site xox And if anyone has a free minute to call to my house & show my family how to use it too that would be good! (obviously the instructions i wrote down can't be understood!)
You'll all be disappointed to hear that there no men on the Ally front but i'm having to much fun to care hehe! Leaving here for OZ tomorrow & we'll finally get to see the other girls (soooo excited!) YEE HAA!!!
Can someone in the Gillespie household please let me know how my mother is???
Lots of love and sunshine Ally xox
Hey all!!!
Glad to hear were missing out on the Great British weather u all have been getting. Mean while we here suning it up. Mum u will be pleased to see the sock have made a new stop on their travels they were at the New Zealand news stand to-day lol!! I am sure the guy running the stand thought we were strange asking to take a pic of some socks on his stand. Tell Adam mummy loves and misses him every day and to keep an eye out for the postman!! (I sent him a postcard on tuesday God knows when u'll get it) Joanne have a fab time in tennerife, but when u tan is starting to fade i'll still be here getting more tan! Were getting ready to move hostels to one near the airport for our flight 2morrow. so xcited to see the rest of the girlies!!!!
Love you all Joleen xxx
Oh, and I meant to say Ally: "OMG! Your teeth look so white!!" ;o)
Hey Ally! Sounds like you's are having a ball! So glad you have arrived safely. Mummy Anne was asking about you yst'day and I have been thinking about you lots! Didnt realise we could leave msgs like this so will pop on now and again to msg you and to look at your blog and photos :o) take care, have fun, loadsa love, Dana xo
Joanne Elliott
hi joleen it all looks amazin and your not toooo white lookin is the drink over there just as good as ours ?bet yous are havin a ball tryin it lol have a good flight fri ill be on a plane to then headin for some sun i hope lol wil let let you no how tennerife is enjoyyourself xxxxxx joanne
Eric And Janice
where is the socks lol love u miss u the house is ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Eric An Janice
hello travelrs, u bth look like you are hvn the time of it, tho gd help newzealand they wnt knw whats hit it with you 2 lol. seen the photos an the sun shinen in every1 enuf to make you green in the face with envy, whle we r getn rain an snow! well by the sounds of thngs i take it u never let urself trust the bit of elastic. enjoy th lng flight ahead of yous tomarra.
luv an miss you bth
p.s member to mke the mst of it an to cme bk to us.
Anne J
Hey Ally!!! Those photos look fab............ I'm so jealous, you were in the gardens GM was in, lol.... LA looked lovely, would love to go there sometime. You both look great and so glad you are ok. Take care of yourself and be in touch in a few days. Looking forward to more photos. Lots of love, Merv, Anne & William xxx
Hi ally. O my god the fotos r amazing u both r soooo lucky, it looks amazin. Ive been thinkin bout yas loads & hopin yas r havin the time of ur lives!!! The weather looks fab. Any men yet??????? lol U both take care & i will look 4ward 2 checkin out the fotos & stories luv joanne & kiddies jxo
Eric And Janice
hi jo and ally all well at home miss u loads adam says hello love mum and dad xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey girls, lol, i never thought id be leaving a message on ur site!!! OMG i am actually sooooooooooooooooooo excited for friday!! cant wait to see the 2 of u :-) love u both, take care and enjoy urselves xoxoxoxooxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoo
I'm not jealous at all, that's just a regular sight here in Scotland... NOT