its up to you if ya want to get it, tho i remeber adam luv it. lisa and the baby are doing well they gt hme yesturday. she is called phobey janet. well it sounds like your keepin urself busy and seen loads. stil not gt the postcard tho the post office said it would take 2 weeks. lots of luv mum and dad. missin you everyday. lukin forward to the mre pictures of the traveln socks lol xxxxxxxx
Norma & Christopher
hi Ally it was great to have that long chat today. we are delighted you are having a really good time and loved all the photos. Cannot imagine that two weeks are passed already and your ensuite is at a standstill. i''ll have to give dad & Michael a good kick in the pants when my leg gets better.Lots of love to you & all the girls. have a ball. xxxooo.
Kenny Rodgers
Hey ally and jo ya skanky hoe's :-).
Mum sends her love and hugs to everyone. I hope your having a good time, which is a stupid thing to say because your obviously havin a super duper good laugh!! good stuff.
Hey, did you know it was national australlia day yesterday lol, liam told me and he had a barby an all in the rain ffs.
Erm your not missin much appart from the fact that im super and you might have forgotten. Ah well, now ya know. Anyways REMEMBER dont talk to strangers, dont go to the toilet in the dark, dont swim in the sea and dont eat meat or you'll get wild dingo worms - dead contagous thing out there at the mo.
Laters xxxxxxxxxxxx
looks like ur having a ball ur tan is building up nicely
keep adding pics luv to see wot u have been up to
take care miss u loadz xxxxxxxx
Hey there finally got onto this web site, use seem to be having an absolute blast im so jealous!!!!!! As i write this it is raining in costa del Bangor beautiful lol Charlie is cutting 3 more teeth at the mo shes a bit of nitemare no sleep. Oh and I nearly phoned ur mobile the other nite 4 a chat then realised u were away. lol Well I really hope ur having a blast and me and the kids are thinking of use all lucky ducks!!!!!!!!!!!1 talk soon or send me an e-mail
Miss you loads xxxxxx
Hey hun, so how is Oz? Bet it was great to meet up with the others :o) You are missing NOTHING here! Weather is cold cold cold and wet :o( think your stripey socks thing is hilarious! What are you like?! Never mind about the men, they will be queueing up before you know it - just you have fun in the meantime but remember plenty of sunscreen! U dont want a rudolph nose hah hah! Enjoy x x x
Hi Ally
Sorry it has taken so long to post a message... you know me... busy!busy!busy!
Looking mighty fine in your pics hun... sun suits you (lucky cow... it's freezing here!)
Well as you can guess we are all missing you loads but hope you have a brill time!
Keep the messages and pics coming to give me some excitement in my life...
love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
heyyyah hsm was brill adam really enjoyed himself so whta have u been up to ?? well love u so much xoxoxooxo ;)
Mum And Dad
hi it was nice to talk to u last nite sounds like ur having a ball rain, rain and more rain here ! have a good time in the next days dnt get to drunk tomorrow nite lol cant wait to see more pictures love you loads tell all the girls i was asking for them talk to u on monday nite adam send his love all round the world and back again. working tomorrow xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Allyyyyyyyyyyyyy you really do appear to be havin a blastttttttttttttttt& goooood on ya! I loved the piccy with elvisss~well he is the king after all is he not???? I also would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you for winning pop idol!!!! Willl i ever see you again now that you are rich and famous?? hahahahaha!! Wellll look after ur wee self petal and take careeeeeeeeee!!
Miss yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hi ally and joleen,hope all is good looks like yous are having a whale of time,love the photos,jealous of the weather its been bad over hear,glad to here yous are safe and sound,good luck on the flight to oz.miss ya loads ally take care and stay safe,but same time both of yas enjoy bye 4 now be back on in a few