Hey all!!! U'll be glad to hear we arrived safely into New Zealand yesterday morning(tues) which would have been mon nyt for u'll back home. We are now 11hrs in front of u all!!
We didnt do too much yesterday due to waiting around for our room. When we got our room (Which is a bit like a cell it has no window and smells funny, Joleen made us sleep with the light on incase there were bed bugs!!!!!! wish to god she'd never read about them before she came away. she checks all the beds everywhere we go!) we left or bags in and went out to find our bearings. Had a bite to eat then came back thinking we would go to sleep for an hour but instead we slept for 15 hours (damm jet lag) so much for not getting it if u travel West!!!!!!!
Today we woke up early due to the long sleep from the nyt before. we got got organised to go on a free tour of Auckland. We saw so many sights The Sky Tower which is the largest building in the southern hemisphere. From there we went to the Auckland harbour, followed by a monument to William Joesph Savage (the 1st prime minster of the Labour party here) We went to mount Eden next which is one of 48 volcanos in Auckland with mount Eden being the tallest. After lunch we headed to Auckland harbour bridge which we got to climb when we got to the top we were 48 metres up from the water. At this point some people who clearly didnt value their lives thought it would be fun to trough themselves off with only a bit of elastic to save them. . The weather was really good today and we are now starting to look sunkissed hehe! (feels weird that its January and we are wearing shorts and t-shirts. Jealous yet???)
Tonight we are going to a beach party in our hostel if we stay awake that long lol!!! Tomorrow we leave this hostel and head back to wards the airport as we have an early morn flight on fri to carins!!!!
Loving and missing everyone
Ally and Joleen
So untill next time folks take care of urselves and each other!!!
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