Hey all!!!!
Just a message to update you all about our stop in Coffs Harbour!
We arrived at half 5 on Saturday night after yet another 6 hour bus journey, on the way to Coff we made a service stop at Marlina where we saw the largest ever prawn on the roof of a resturant. (Theres a picture on here somewhere lol) As we neared into Coffs Harbour there was a large Bannana on one of the buildings.
When we arrive at the bus station our lift from the hostel was already there, we could tell there service was going to better than cheers!!!!!! At the hostel we thought we had walked in to luxuary as it was a vast improvment on the places we had stayed previously!!!!!
We went out for dinner to a nice resturant called The Hogs Breath Which dispite the name was very nice!!! Then we haeded back to the hostel for a few drinks to recover from the events of the day!!!
On Sunday we got up early arranged our bus, for Sunday night to take us to Sydney. We went out to the wee market that was on and then headed for some brekkie!!!! Afterwards it was back to the hostel for some sunbathing by the pool and a swim!!
The bus to Sydney colleted us at 10:50pm!!! This marks the last of our long hull bus journeys.
We arrived into Sydney this moring at 07:15am after a very uncomfortable nights sleep on the bus!!!!
Will update you all again soon
Love and missing you all
Ally and Joleen
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