the purpose of our walk in the dreary wet weather, was to find a LadyBoy Show for that evenings entertainment. we drove through the streets on our way to find our residence when we first arrived here and past some LadyBoys in the street promoting their show. Like peacocks they graced the pavements, their colourful and sequened clothes dazzling in the clubs lights. One was even almost bare chested, her/his breasts perfect - a sure sign he/she was no real lady as no-one has em that pert and Lady's do not display their good on street corners like that.
we eventually found one and that night we went along. james and I were the first in, as keen as ever, followed by another couple. You could almost hear the sighs of relief from both the men for not being the only guy in there. However, the show soon filled up and there was as many men as women in the end, all with the girlfriends and wives of course. in fact when a line of Harley motorbikes went past all of the men looked out as if to prove their masculinity.
My favourite was the one in the red dress at the front of the picture. she was fabulous darlings. She had had a boob job and throughout one of the dances her assets kept falling out of her dress. Obviously the outfit was made pre op.
in true drag style there were routines and singing, well miming to Whitney and every Gay mans god Cher, although one of the artists had not done much rehearsing and was not in sync at all. it was a short show and extremely cheesy but a must when you are here in Thailand. And even though the men breathed a sigh of relief when the show was over, they were all up there getting their photo's taken with the Asian Beauty's. i was in awe of them as much as anyone, their make up impeccable, their outfits incredible and their figures impossible, ggrrrrrr
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