To sum up this journey late tonight would not only be difficult, it would be wrong. So we will save that for the weekend.
Our hectic day racing around the World's Metropolis left us out of puff. More navy blue suited males and mini skirted chicklets than you can imagine. The cities inhabitants knock Londoners into a cocked hat in terms of living life against the clock. Facinating to watch.
We have stories of heated toilet heats with remote control options, detailed only in Japanese, that leave you not only surprised but thoroughly refreshed. Stories of our mixed emotions as the sun sets on the journey of our lifetimes. The acceptance of a chapter drawing to a close.
We imagined many months ago our final evening. Silhouetted against the backdrop of Tokyo's skyline, availing ourselves to the pleasures of the Park Hyatt's Peak Bar, some 39 floors above street level. The evening went to a tee.
It is near midnight. Sue is moments away from her birthday and Phill is balloonless. Trouble may be just around the corner. Shush, the blonde bomber is asleep. Lets keep it that way.
Tomorrow, we fly home.
ps Phill won the last game last night. 4 days to 1. The cards is over. allseven will live on.
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