Escapades & Adventures
Well, made it to D.C.
Yesterday checked out the USS Barry - DD 933. Very interesting ship.
Today is the Holocaust Museum. I have been waiting years to go here. I wanted to go when I was in D.C. back in 2005 - however, circumstances prevented me. I was speaking to a couple who had visited there the day we had arrived in D.C. and they said that 4 hours should be enough to go through and linger. And I have not planned anything else to visit today. So it wont matter how long it takes me.
Scott & I met a Scottish guy - Rich yesterday. And we are going out tonight. It's been a long time since I've been "out". So we'll see how I go, lol.
Hope y'all doing well back home. Will load more photos etc later.
- comments
Moi Awesome! I am sure you absorbed so much and were exhausted. How was your night 'out'? Throat infection has settled and moved to an ear infection now ;( poorly me. Dan & kiddies are well too. Garden is growing - weeds. Other than that your sunny state is here waiting for your return. Big Huggles xx
Alina night out - lol. Had dinner & then went to bed :/ lol