Alice explores South America!
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Brighton, UK

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Potosi, Bolivia
The Dilberts Hello Alice, so good to hear all your adventures, there was a lot to catch up on! You have done some amazing things but I'm with Grandma and don't get the ice climb bit except the views of course, that musy have been fantastic. LOL from us all JDBA XXXX
re: Potosi, BoliviaGrandma My first visit to the computer for a while, and it is so good to read your blog. Itr all sounds so exciting, and you write it so well. I dont envy your ice climb in the dark, how brave of you! Lots of love, Grandma
re: Potosi, BoliviaRachael W Wow! Sounds like you've been having an awesome time in Bolivia, I bet you'll be sad to leave... I can't believe you'll be home in a couple of weeks! I hope you enjoy the last bit of your trip, See you very soon :-) xxx
re: Potosi, Boliviapeter avory Been seeing all your amazing travels , especially being alone now so take great care .I think u may be able to fly home now avoiding the volcano soon we hope !!! or r u going to stay in S America ?? Luv Grandpa Peter
re: La Paz, BoliviaSheila It is great to be able to follow all your wonderful experiences. You are certainly seeing some different places. Good Luck up that mountain Lots of Love xx
re: La Paz, BoliviaElli birds can be fun! i bet they'll be super-pretty ones :) hope you enjoy La Paz and Uyuni if you end up going there! x x
re: Taganga, ColombiaRach Heya! Glad you're having an amazing time! I'm unbelievably jealous! Sorry I've been rubbish at sending you notes - I've been following all your blogs though! Can't wait to see all the photos & hear all the stories when you get back :) looking forward to the summer, no more dissertation and lots of lazing about in the sun! We should do some climbing trips down to Swanage! Miss you loads, love ya! x
re: Bocas Del Toro, Panamasheila Its great to read about your travels. Lopez Mendes sounded stunning. Thanks for your Email. Wrists improving slowly. Looking forward to seeing your mum & dad at the weekend.Love xx
re: Bocas Del Toro, PanamaGrandma My knowledge of South American geography is improving weekly! Lots of love, Grandma xxx
re: Bocas Del Toro, PanamaSally & Chas Hey Alice Wonderful photos & great blogs. Did wonder about aligators, leeches etc in the swamps you were wading in - we've been to the Everglades where 'logs' suddenly grow teeth & eyes! Love the photos of the parrots & toucan - I want one! Best love honey & keep taking care Us in Cretexxx
re: Buzios, Brazil- last visited

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Rachael W Wow! Sounds like you've been having an awesome time in Bolivia, I bet you'll be sad to leave... I can't believe you'll be home in a couple of weeks! I hope you enjoy the last bit of your trip, See you very soon :-) xxx
Grandma My first visit to the computer for a while, and it is so good to read your blog. Itr all sounds so exciting, and you write it so well. I dont envy your ice climb in the dark, how brave of you! Lots of love, Grandma
The Dilberts Hello Alice, so good to hear all your adventures, there was a lot to catch up on! You have done some amazing things but I'm with Grandma and don't get the ice climb bit except the views of course, that musy have been fantastic. LOL from us all JDBA XXXX