A few days without a computer and i am already far behind on the blog up dates!! My last blog, I had just arrived in San Ignacio at the Trek Stop, the eco hotel!! there is not much to do here apart from caving, so for $40 US i went to the ATM cave. It involved going on a hike through the jungle and then into the cave where u had to swim to enter and then walk through waist high water for most of it!! Dom, Bahre and Ana came with me from the group whcih was fun!! An american girl called Mary and a Belgian couple also came with us. When u were inside the cave you got to a dry area where you had to walk in just socks and go to the mayan remains that are inside. This was mainly pots which contained food, liquids and blood sacrifices. There was also skeletons that were there from human sacrifices, which were pretty cool to see. We got back to the eco lodge and was going to head down to the local village as they had a fair on but there was a huge thunderstorm that made England look like we only get drizzle!! It was like having buckets of water thrown down but for about an hour!! There were basically mini rivers running down the paths and I got soaked. So instead of the fair, i went bac to my room to dry off and pack for the next morning. We left to go to Guatamala, my final country on this trip. We got a private bus to the border and then another private bus to the hotel in Flores. This is where we met with bevan again!! He has got a temporary passport and met us at the hotel. We went for lunch and drinks and then myself, Dom and Freddy got a tuk tuk to the mainland to find a cash point. I went and found an internet cafe (this is where i finished my Cuba blog!!) and then went back to the hotel where the others were having a ruim party! This was fun and hav to host one for the others in our next destination. That night we went out to dinner as a group where Freddy bought everyone shots of tequila and after a very drunken evening sum people went for a swim in the lake but i just headed back, as at 10pm the lake was not quite so inviting!! The next day we left at 5am to go to Tikal. This is a hugh Mayan ruin. There are 5 temples, the palaces of the mayan royalty etc. We started off by going for a walk through the jungle where we saw monkeys and different birds, we then went to the ruins and were able to walk around them and even up them in sum places. It was absolutely amazing, a hundred times better than Chicen Itza. We got back early afternoon and lazed around til dinner where we went to a local pizzeria and i ordered a pizza that was absolutely huge. I couldn't even eat half of it!! After dinner we headed back to the hotel as we are leaving early for Rio Dulce in the morning. we got a private bus to Rio Dulce. On the way we stopped at a hot springs, which were really nice except for after a while these fish started biting me!! They aparently eat dead skin, whoich with my peeling sunburn i hav plenty of! So i got out and enjoyed the sun instead. Ana made us a picnic which was nice so we had that and then headed to where we meet a boat to get to our hotel. We are staying on an island that is stranded from the main land. It was a nice hotel but we are back to being in huts, with shared toilets and showers! There are also a hundred and one bugs here. Although it does have a swimming pool, with no biting fish which is always a plus. Went for a swim and then had dinner, where i had bbq chicken!! OMG it was good! The next day we went on a boat trip to teh surrounding area, where we saw a small castle, an orphange, where we got a tour round, seeing what has been provided for orphans and also children of teh local area. We then went to the town of Livingston to hav lunch and then to a hot springs that were so hot that you couldn't put ur feet in!! Instead went back to the hotel and went to the pool. We had another rum party that night with the rum we had purchased. we had it by the pool, so freddy in his drunken state went for a swim!! The next morning we got another private bus to Antigua, where we are going to leave our big bags in preparation for our journey on the chicken bus. We had the afternoon in Antigua where we went to a cafe for cake and coffee and then interneting. The weather wasn't great so headed back to the hotel to pack for the next day. I don't feel too bad missing out on seeing Antigua as i get to spen 5 days here in total as this is where my next tour starts. We were up early to get the chicken bus to teh market at Chi chi, which was an experience!!
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