Right, this'll be a test for the old's been a while, what have I been up to, mmm. I really should write stuff down. Ok, so Lizzie had just left and Mum and John were coming out, that's where we?d got to. So yes, it was lovely to see Mum and John after so long, they stayed for 2 weeks. They were both glowing when we met them at the airport even thought the flight hadn't been that comfortable- the Neath air must be doing them some good. After a brief recovery period, we hopped over to and spent a few days in Victoria, Vancouver Island. The ferry ride over is gorgeous as you meander through the islands that separate the two landmasses. Victoria itself is very English feeling, rather stately in appearance and atmosphere. We visited Craigdarrough Castle with all its charm and enjoyed the walk back in the rain down Antiques Row. The museum was a must see and the IMAX cinema was pretty cool! Back in Vancouver, Mum and John did some sightseeing by themselves while I was in work and armed with the trusty guidebook, managed to see some pretty interesting things that I didn't even know existed! The visit was completed with Nicola's 40th birthday celebration at Earls- an opportunity for a great family get together and the chance to try exciting cocktails.
With family safely back on a plane to London, it was back to life in Vancouver. Works been fine, I'm told I'm not allowed to leave but I think the authorities may have a thing or two to say about that when I become illegal come Sept 17th! I was offered the managers job but I said no thank you- I think it was just a last ditched attempt to make me stay but I know selling cell phones is not my destiny in life! I'm looking into going back to university in the U.K to do some further education. We?ll see what comes of that, I've left the applications a bit late?as with everything with me, very last minute! With the improvement in the weather I've been seeing a bit more of B.C's famous scenery with doing some local hikes and drives. I went up to Whistler for the day with a friend and chilled out at the Telus festival watching live music, art and biking displays amongst the most amazing scenery. I finally made it over to Deep Cove and Horseshoe bay and can't wait to go back when it gets warmer to do some canoeing/kayaking.
So the home straight is in sight, lots to do before I leave though. Some friends are coming out to visit me from home- can't wait to see them : ) Apparently Vancouver is the place to be in the summer months, so here goes..!
Oh and Lizzie's coming out to Vancouver to do her PhD!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Congratulations to her!!
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