A series of amazing bus connections got us to Boquete, high in the central mountains, in record time. Boquete is the "6th best place in the world to retire" as was proved by the huge number of American ex-pats living in the area. We didn't plan to do too much while we were there and it was just as well because it rained almost everyday. In the periods when it was dry we visited a local garden which was the pride of the town. This garden was indeed very pretty, however, it was spoilt a bit by the 20ft satelite dish and bizarre plastic cows, flamingos and deer scattered about. We also took a coffee tour of the local area, coffee being its most important industry. The finca we visited was really well set up and the tour was really informative. The farm itself was set up to be as eco-friendly as possible. As such rather than just have rows and rows of coffee plants there were lots of fruit trees intersperced to provide shade, increase soil stability, feed the workers and reduce insect numbers (the fruit encouraged birds). The processing plant was also pretty good, recycling almost all of their waste. This was all quite interesting for me as it was a major part of my 3rd year uni course! Also we finally managed to wash our clothes - clean underwear at last, yay!
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