What a fab place Bocas looks. Lovely pics of both of you - can you e mail any to us? Especially the one of both of you. Jack, those look like new specs?
Love the coffee outfit Alice, where's the photo of Jack in his, or was it censored!
Rita Turner
Granny ireally well but is asking after you. I tucked her into her Alpaca blanket the other evening and thought of you and your big advendure. Just sppke to Tess on the phone and she is thinking of giving up college because it's boring. Come home soon and talk some sense into her. As you probably know she is not with Craig any more, but has new beau called Jamie.
Charlie sends his love and wants to see the pictures when you get back.
I send my love tooooooo.
remember to sit in the middle!
thanks for your latest blog Jack - that's really reassured us about the buses!!
Mum And Dad
Happy Birthday!! hope you have a great day. Lots and lots of love from us xx
Don't they eat guinea pigs in south america? Is that what happens to the losers?
never mind Alice, only 5 months still to go!
that wolf/dog/hyena looks very like the statue in Rome of the wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus
Rich Marshall
Hi Jack and Alice, I've just ben reading some of you blog, in the correct order this time! Sounds like you've been having a wicked time apart from the rain! I've just handed my notice in at work and have joined the travelling band waggon. Going to do some hiking in America first, then off to Cook Islands, NZ, OZ to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam to Japan. I'll have to ask some advice on good places in OZ and NZ. Anyway, have a great time in S.America!
Man, I didn't know you had to do sums to add a post to the blog!
Mum And Dad
I think looking at you and the turtle that your next facebook pic has just chosen itself jack!
Chris & Stephanie & Joe
Happy Birthday Alice!!
By the time you get this message it will be the 18th in Oz. Have a great day