Ali and Rob's travels!
Hey guys!
Happy Mother's day to Sue and Sue. hope that you have both had a lovely day.
so.......we have made it this far already, just waiting to get our connection flight to Bangkok. The flight was okay- we slept most of the way, rob only waking to play on game boy games! oh, we had this minging omlette- it was green!
we had a nice dinner though, we had tandoori chicken (mum, please dont take this as an offence but it was nearly as good as yours! and you no how much i love it) hope hockey went well.
love you all x
Rob -
mum...did you get my mothers day pressie? sorry its not much but im skint!
also sorry that this message has to be short but ali wrote too much and were running out of time,
love you all bye!!!x
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