Bungy jumping - are you mad. Can't believe you did that. Still looks like you're having a ball and can't wait to hear all about it and see the photos for real without having to crick the neck! gosh you're coming home soon yet it seems you've been gone for ages. Enjoy your last few weeks and take care love the nichs xxxx
Mum And Dad T
Loved the bungy jump photos, very impressed - have to take your word for how scary it was 'coz no way will we ever try.
Only a few days left in NZ and then off to a warmer climate - back to shorts and flipflops. The weather here has continued to be great although not meant to last - now there's a surprise!
Just to give you something to look forward to when you get back we've ordered a cow for when you get home for the bbq! There are so many people waiting to welcome you home that we thought that a packet of Tesco's value burgers just wouldn't do the trick! Mind you after noodles I'm sure even value burgers would taste good.
Love you both loads, Mum and Dad xxxxxxx
hey guys its alice French/Lord- i've jsut been browsing Facebook, and found this, i cant beleive you guys came to st kilda, i wish i'd known i would have put u up for the night or 2 and fed you and taken you out, so annoyed!!! i know its been ages, and it looks like you're having a bloody fabulous time and im very jealous, i live about 20 mins from St Kilda-
take care guys,
love Alice x
Mum And Tors
well, we have just had a look at all your glacier-walking photos and it looks quite scary and rather chilly on the willy! (rob?!) just to let you know, you might not be interested, but we are experiencing a HEAT WAVE!!! the paddling pool is officially out and the sunbathing and lazing about eating greek salads and fresh fruit has begun. how many layers is it you have to wear in new zealand?! the hocky ball was fun for mum and dad but no real gossip. i worked this weekend and then had some pals over to chill in the garden then we headed into walden for a bevvie or two (ok a bit more than that!) had a swim in sarah's pool today which was lush after over heating! have fun in the ice. you'll have the last laugh when you get to fiji im sure and we go back to having rain. anyway, enough weather talk, desperate houswives is on in a bit so we love you loads and are counting down the days till we see you!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dad says hi but got eggy that i was hogging the computor so he will post a seperate message soon!
Uncle Steven
That's more like it!! Looking forward to some action shots of the bungee jumps!
Train ride sounds much like my daily commute....
Uncle Steven
Hey Ally, doesn't NZ have internet access? If I take time out from work to check on your travels I at least expect you to have the decency to update your blog....I presume it's the booze to blame?...
Hope you're both having fun.
Take care and stay safe.
hey rob and ali you two are so lucky i wish i was there rather than at home revising for my gcse's well say hello to all the finding nemo characters for me haha. i'm missing john so much feels really weird with out him. i'm sure tors is missing ali like mad as is lucy probably enjoy your hols xxx
Hi you two hope you are well sounds like you are having a wonderful time took Randi to Newport Sat. to see Mum & Dad we had lunch at the pub Tors served us very well and the weather was good sat in garden. Cant wait to hear all your adventures all no special version for me. Stay safe and sober,enjoy Love Grandmaxxx
Hey Ali and ROb,
Just thought I'd write you a quick note to say it seems like you're having an amazing time. Made me laugh out loud imagining you both wetting yourselves going onto Fraser Island! Anyway have a fantastic time in New Zealand. All the best. Claire xx
Mum And Dad T
Was great to hear from you yesterday - hope the bugs got what was coming to them and your bags etc thawed out in time. You have obviously had the most amazing time and a lifetime of memories to take with you. We are all very envious. When you read this you will be in New Zealand and the adventures continue (can it get any better) - feels like you have been gone much longer than you actually have.
Nan and Grandad send their love - they will be coming to look at all your photos next week.
Rehearsals have started for the summer play. We are doing a farce and it is a very funny script - just hope we can do it justice. You will be back in time to see me make a fool of myself - along with everyone else of course!!
Look forward to hearing what goes on in New Zealand.
Loads of love, stay safe xxxxxxxxxx
Mummy And Tors
aaalllii! rrooobbbiiee! we miss you!
we have just blogged on as mums on a late and im sciving the morning off school. how amazing to read of your scuba diving antics. i wana do that!
mum's glad you met up with buck and the boys and hopes you have some picutures of them to show her. was he still a pisshead like she remembers?!
i have only about 12 days left at school, how scary is that. mad dash to get my coursework in (although i have a sneaking feeling it should have been done before christmas!) oops!
mummys off to london with judith and the clavering crew for a girlie weekend away leaving me here in newport to slave away at the pub. yay.
we hope you havnt changed-its starting to feel like a long time since we actually saw you...
love you bundles guys, keep safe and enjoy the last few weeks.
mwa xxxx
yo guys sounds like you are having a whale of a time. im in Calcutta waiting for Char to arrive tomorrow so been checking out some accomdation and stuff to day. Had my last day at the school i was working yesterday befor i go the train to Calcutta, it was really sad to go as i have had so much fun teaching and stuff. Newtone called from China Yesterday which was a surprise but good to here form him sound as if hes having a great time. when are you guys back form you tracvels coz i think i might be staying out here another month after thiland. any ways catch you laters dudes peace out love