Odd Thai Cabbie
We went to watch Dave in his local pool league match, a short tuk-tuk ride away. If they won, they'd be crowned champions for a 5th consecutive year. We had a few beers with him after he won and decided to call it a night. Upon leaving I declared that I knew the way back, after 20 minutes it was clear I didn't so we hailed a tuk-tuk.
Unlike the tuk-tuk's in India, these are much faster and more powerful. Some have neon lights, flat screen t.v's and subwoofers.
We told the tuk-tuk driver where we wanted to go, showing him a map - which we now know is meaningless - and set off...very fast.
We seemed to be driving for about 20 minutes without recognising anywhere.
The driver then started to act like he had no clue where he was going, stopping every 5 minutes and gesturing as if to say 'here'?
He wasn't acting, he had no idea where he was going. We tried on numerous occasions to explain, to no avail, and eventually had to call the owner of our guesthouse, Nuiy.
After a couple of minutes the driver passed the phone to me, Nuiy said '...err, I think he might be drunk?' She didn't even know what he was saying!
It now all made sense, the erratic driving, poor comprehension and glassey eyes. He was clearly drunk.
At this point he was leaning with his back on the tuk-tuk and feet on the curb, in an unnatural way, with his head kind of slumped. Drunk.
We asked if he really knew where we were, where we were going and handed him the map again.
This time he produced his glasses from his top pocket and put them on. It, somehow, made him look 10 times more drunk and completely boss-eyed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was hilarious. Luckily we were only around the corner and got back safely...about an hour later than we should have but all in one piece at least.
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