Yes, I made it and I'm not lost! Look at the map, it shows exactly where the United Kingdom is... Hmmm. This blog will probably become boring for a while if you have done Thailand, feel free to skip a few.
Walking into a park in most cities is pretty standard I imagine. It is hard to find a spot where you can't actually see buildings and hear cars/tuktuks/other motorised vehicles but rarely do you have a double take because you saw some kind of croc in the fake lake!!! T did explain why the birds where chirping like mad!
So many people contradict each other which makes it difficult to know who to trust around here (if in doubt I take neither advice and make a new plan). Crossing the street is like walking through dodgems. You just have to be confident that you ARE going to the other side of this road. The bikes WILL go around you and the cars WILL stop in time. Don't mess with the busses though. A bug just flew into my knee an knocked itself out.
As soon as I go to town I was taking my hairdresser's advice and looking for my tuktuk to Khosan Road when a fellow struck up a very good English conversation with me. Eventually I came to the conclusion that there was nothing for him to get out of me when he set me up with the local student travel agency. (I made sure the taxi was a reputable company) And after a very nice night in a hotel I am confident that he trip he has set me up on will be fantastic!!! The basics are a night bus, trekking trip and boat ride into Laos. But I will tell you about those when I have done them.
It turns out I came out of Japan's high season into Thailand (and probably the rest of the Southern Hemisphere's) high season. Oops! Hence I am getting the bus and not the train. However, the bus will have air conditioning XD.
• Warm, but but not uncomfortably yet...
• Going to look for a haircut...
• Spike in skin glaring due to cut grass...
• Enter many a pack of loratadine...
• The bug seems to have flown away...
Food: I got some chicken skewers in the most luscious sauce today and they were the perfect amount of spicy, however I did get a coconut juice after; and we're not talking cartons here, oh no, a whole shaved coconut and a straw were delivered to my table. I have yet to find a tasty Thai travel snack yet, I nearly thee up over some dried mango this morning...
Fact: (Still on a Japanese theme) The Japanese language uses a different set of words for quantifying. For example, they have one for counting, one for money, one for motorised vehicles ad one for cylindrical objects...!
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