And now a round of applause and a sigh of relief for those last 4 blogs which almost didn't make it. Clapclapclapclapclap...
Mardi Gras was packed. So many happy people and hilarity that as I tried to locate Benson along the parade my iPod unuploaded blogs was knocked from me and as Rusted Root sang, Lost in a Crowd. Next thing we know me and ze German have lost the girls but need the loo and after queuing for the portaloo we fought towards the fences so we could actually see a float. Some old chap standing on a stool at the front have a go at me for not getting there at 6pm to save a place like he did, uncool. So I let him talk to my ear as I caught the last 3 floats go by.
But don't fret. This story does have a happy ending. The people marching were in that excitable happy enthusiastic mood that just exudes to all who see it (except angry stool/crate man). And I felt the MG spirit, and will make much more of an effort for the next pride to get there instead of dressing up.
Dedication to Alexis
Great praise to Alexis and friends who were savvy enough to notice that my iPod didn't feel like tar mac when they stepped on it and did some sneaky hacking to find me on Facebook and not only successfully return my lost limb just because she is such a fantastic person, but also introduced me, Benson and the crew to a great pub in the Rocks called the Glendale where I apparently fulfilled a typical man's stereotype with my beer choice which is rare. Thank you!!!!!
(NB I have been efficient and obtained a crime number and read up on my insurance documents in preparation for a claim... Organised eh?)
And so it is at this point me, Katie and Betsy bid adeú to the French and the German who are off to Tasmania and staying in Sydney respectfully. We went out for dinner at Thai Foon at Darling harbour. Delicious and cool restaurant with water glasses designed to roll around on the table hence provoking the owner to dive across the table as it appears to be about to spill.
Me and Benson have made plans/decided to go to the biggest cinema in the world (he thinks) on Saturday to fulfil my birthday tradition.
We are driving past a lot of flooded rivers and fields which Katie points out is like being passing paddy fields in Asia. Cousin in law Mark will be happy to know that the flood defences and management has kept the roads dry for us. We will get to Byron bay on time!
The name of the town we just passed through. I thought we had some corkers such as Giggleswick in Yorkshire and Cockermouth in Lancashire. But Oz really takes the biscuit. I will drop some more place names as we go but it is clear that most if them come from aboriginal origins.
• My eyes are tired from reading the infinite number of road signs we have suddenly come across. 70! 70! 65 for this corner! Reduce speed! 50 50 50!!!! CRASH ZONE!!! Etc etc...
• My chest is tired from laughing so much about this with Katie. We are embarrassed for the the crazy NSW residents...
Food: Chips and gravy for lunch with a white nectarine and ice coffee.
Fiona Hockin A great read. If you do not teach maths you can become an author! Mar 6, 2013
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Fiona Hockin A great read. If you do not teach maths you can become an author!