Arrive at next camp site early afternoon for white water rafting at 2pm. We were taken 5miles up the mountain by an old yellow school bus with all our rafting equipment fastened on the top. Our instructor, Ryan, went through the procedures & we set of down the fast flowing river that consisted of class 3-4 rapids. At one point about 3 miles down Ryan asked if anyone wanted to "ride the bull" - meaning sitting on the raft with your legs hang over the front holding onto just a small bit of rope attached to the front, like riding a mechanical rodeo bull, of course i agreed to do this :). Rafting over we head back to camp and get ready for a party we were invited to. Before that we all play a game of "flip cup" another drinking game that involves speed and technique :). We then head to the party where another drinking game was played around the bar, called "Free man". Now this game to the day i have no idea really what was going on but if i was told to drink i drank! ha. Jack ended up being free man for quite a while, basically if anyone rolled a 3 then he had to drink, and it just so happened that everyone seemed to be rolling 3's all the time!! The night went on, and more games were played, and we were invited to another party on the camp site, so we went round there and they introduced us to what they called "moonshine", a homemade lethal concoction of god only knows what, they sed was about 80%!!!! So only a sip on the end of the toungue would be reccommended!!! James had gone back to his tent earlier on in the night and as far as we were concerned he was there for the night, how far from the truth were we!!!!!!!! I woke up in the morning and people were saying that James was missing, not in the restroom nor passed out in anybody elses tent, but the story soon came to light why he was missing when he came out of nowhere covered in cuts and scratches! After he got back to his tent he lay there thinking he wanted another beer so he decides to go look for the party but somewhere along the line he gets lost, ends up in the bushes and loosing his glasses, scratching his arms and legs to pieces looking for them. Still dark and lost he makes a decision to head for a train track, walks along there for a bit and finds a road where luckily he askes a man where the rafting company is. He finds his way back eventually and of course we all have sympathy for him.... for a little while any way before all the jokes start coming out, fair do's though he soaked up all the abuse given to him!!!!!!!!!!! :). Wonder who's next :)
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