Day 4 - Lake Naivasha
Apologises for the delay in the blog. As you can probably tell internet has been a scare resource. However we have been keeping a text blog each day which we will continue to post.
A bit of a different day today, we cycled through Hell's Gate National Park which is the area where Joy Adamsons' lion, Elsa was released. Supposedly also inspired scenes from the Lion King (the stampede through the gorge). Not much else to say except the 20km cycle was tough as was the 2km walk through the gorge. The springs in the gorge were unusually hot as they were at boiling point.
Cycling amongst the animals was great but the 30 minutes of continuous gun shots from the surrounding hills weren't so great. The guide went from telling us that we were hearing thunder to being quite worried and upping our pace!
Spent the afternoon at Elsamere, the home of George and Joy Adamson. Loved the 1960s documentary and the thieving Colombus monkeys which kept stealing our afternoon tea. Was hilarious watching the monkeys plan their attacks and try to open the glass door to get into the buffet of cakes. So cute but so naughty. One slowly walked over to our table on its feet with its arms up in the air like a human and there was no stopping it either our only choice was to remove and run with what we wanted to keep off the table.
Two crazy lovely energetic Germans joined the tour today.
What we learnt today:
Don't point out that your bike tires have no tread and this will make the 20km bike ride on dirt very difficult - you'll merely be reminded of TIA - this is Africa :-)
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