We arrived in Munich late on Saturday 14th March after an 8 hour journey that dragged more than most we have had on this trip.
When we left our hostel in Prague we had to walk to the train station nearby to get the tube to the central station. We made it easily enough, but had no time to buy food for the upcoming journey. To make matters worse, the first station the train stopped at was the one right next to our hostel. If we had known that was the route we could have saved some last minute rushing around.
The journey was scheduled for just over 6 hours, but the train kept getting more delayed as we went along. We were starting to get pretty hungry without any food, but luckily a guy with a trolley came along just as we were giving each other canabalistic gazes. To complete the stressful journey, a group of about 15 drunk teenagers got in the cabin next to us and were making loads of noise, with some even running up and down the corridor screaming. Eventually the train reached Munich close to midnight and we walked to our hostel.
The hostel was in a pretty good location, about 10 minutes walk from the station ad on a main road so you couldn't miss it. We checked in and headed straight upstairs to bed. With only one full day to see the city tomorrow, we would have to be up bright and early...
...We woke up at about 10am after a couple of snoozes and went straight out. The hostel was next to the Oktoberfest grounds so we headed there first of all. Apparently it's a chaotic frenzy of good natured Germans in Lederhosen during the festival, but in March it was just a vast concrete wasteland with a couple of dog walkers on it. There was an impressive looking statue at the end of the grounds though, so we wandered over for a look. Again, during the festival you can climb up inside the statue and look out from the top, but it was shut on the day we were there. The Oktoberfest grounds are not really a yearly attraction.
Afterwards we started the short walk into the town centre as it started to rain. Once we arrived there it was absolutely chucking it down (though as I'm writing this in Bangkok, my view on 'heavy' rain has changed somewhat). I was wearing some trainers instead of my walking boots and my feet got soaked immediately. Amy had to put up with a little bit of moaning on my part. We had a walk around the centre of Munich, taking in a few of the sights like Marianplatz, but after about an hour in the heavy rain we had had enough and went home for a while.
When the weather had improved we went out for a little while, got some shopping done and had a kebab in the Turkish area near the station. We went back to the hostel, and did some reading before heading out to update the blog a little. We went to bed earlyish that night as we had to be out of the room by 10am for check out. The weather was much better this morning, which was a little annoying as we were leaving anyway. As our train wasn't due for a couple of hours, we sat in the hostel lobby reading until it was time to head to Innsbruck.
Overall, Munich seemed quite nice, but it was frustrating that we only got to see a really small portion of it in the time we were there due to time and weather restrictions.
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