Hello there! so where did we get to last? Hervey Bay i think! o what have we been up to since then? Hmmm, tricky question! Not totally sure i can remember.
For a start, we certainly passed through Bundaberg, what a waste of time that was! Big fruit picking town full of long stay travvelers, not fun, we did think we would have to spend a night in the car at first, all the hostels were full but Karma shone her lucky torch on us and by chance some dude knew 2 girls were checking out of the hostel up the road so we managed a bed for the nite. we were in seperate 10 share dorms and the place was so skanky we were glad it was only one nite. but it was better than sleeping in the car! We got up very early in hope to drive up the coast and escape the heat but at 8am realised we couldn't check out till 9am so ambled about killing time for an hour till we could claim the $20 key deposit. Had chance to book the next hostel, so not all bad.
After escaping there ASAP we headed up to Rocky, (Rockhampton) a lovely little place out the way of the town and chilled for 2 days. day 1 we did nothing really, had a much needed laundery day and a glass of wine and cheapo internet. day 2 we visited the Capricorn caves, dry caves, very prety and well worth the effort. had a great tour. the place has it's own 'cathedral' and they do weddings, very prety in the candle light. the 'cathedral room' has almost perfect acoustics being 0.19, opposed to the perfect 0.2 (in whatever they measure accoustics in!) was really good ant we both enjoyed it. we went to the free gardens and zoo in the afternoon. they had the most lively koalas we have seen yet and lots of animals, surprising for a free zoo! they even had apes! the cages were all alittle smaler and more boring than we would have liked though.
After Rocky we went up to Mackay (Makai) to the charming Larakin lodge, the owner Bob was a total star, sorted us out for the next few days without any trouble, always had plenty of time to chat, even when he was busy! we liked it so much we stayed 3 whole nites, that is special in our books! We booked a Platypus tour, which admittedly wasn't as impressive as we first thought. these things rely alot on a good group and a fun guide, the group was pleasent bu noe exactly exciting, and the guide was less than enthusiastic! Knowladgable but obviously bored with his job! We did another rain forrest tour, found a very cold swimming hole, had to go for a quick swim, obviously, but was glad to get out! Was so cold could hardly breathe! then went for a long drive to find the elusive platypus. stood about in the freezing cold for 1hr and half then finally got a glimpse of a small beak follo0wed bu a small bum! he was there, they are not a myth but don't like sitting still to have their photo taken!
Not much time left so make this quick. (again, an hour doesn't last long here!) we went up to Airlie beach, spent the most amazing day on a tour of the whitsundays, we opted for a jet boat over the usual sailing, the weather was temperamental but seemed to like us! we went to the most beautifull and stuning look out. WOW, was that a good view! then chilled out on whitehaven beach, got enough sun to sunbathe for a bit, then did some snorkelling, we had the most amazing time and thoroughly loved the day.
Totally out of time now so add to this later 2mmorow.
Love to you all from both of us! xxx
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