Hello all the lovely people who check the message board occasionally and are missing us! We will be home soon, which means the comming home party is already planned. 9th Aug so keep the date free as you are all invited. Let either of us know if you want to come and we will let you know the finer details!!!
Dear shinmb, if you are who I think you are, you are most welcome honey, will be upset if you don't come!!!
Hi pip
Well here I am at johns humble abode flicking through your pics and really wishing I was there .
You look like your having soooooo much fun. Your still looking hot honey a bit white compared to your friends along with some fantastic pics of sights I have shared ....with a couple of sambukas,,, and a coulpe of buds I hope this reaches you in great spirits and JY in tow look after him you know he is very shy and quiet with a very slow uptake on sexual advance esp from lady boys ..... John only jk store is still standing and the guys miss you most notably cindy for some strange reason..... wink wink...... as you are aware andy and josie are of to grasses greener and have just left the leaving do I only hope that when my time comes more than twelve ppl turn up we have had fun none the less my bus pass has been aproved and has meant John has had to put up with my late night antics as you can recall john he is starting to feel the pace by yawning ....... it is now 2 am and I am on the early john is on day off and still complaining what a girl.... we played the night team at cricket today and totaly humiliated them alas the ball was tampered with and the grass was long and they were very tired and and and and you get the jist sounds like a thief who has just been caught theiving any bloody excuse LOSER's well I must sign of now any guesses who the culprit for this message is ????? SHINMB be good be lucky but most of all be there at your welcome home parrty and invite me............ JY keep pip safe and get some great pics for me to review see you soon
Rob And Caz
Big love from us, we have been keenly reading your blogs and tales from across the world, glad you're getting the most out of it. Have a builder's strength cuppa for us! Looking forward to hearing more although you're not quite done.
Hi, nanna here again,Sophie and David here Saturday, Clare & Alex on Sunday, busy weekend. Annes gone to Cornwall for a few days but I had Paul here to visit yesterday, between jobs, Times nearly up girls, enjoy your last two or three weeks, then you have Cornwall, so it will be Christmas before I see you,but that wont be long keep on with the adventures. lots of love nanna.
hiya pippa!
having a wacky time cos' the weather's gone wildFirst it's raining like mad, then the sun's shining! Hope the weather's a little less wild than it is round here! Miss you lot's!Lot's of love 'n' hug's, SOPHIE!!!
Dave N Le
hi pippa,
sorry we have not had much luck finding this site mum ( nanna ) has been keeping us up to date with your great adventure. looking forward to seeing you in cornwall last week of august. love n hugs
Hi from Holland. We just got back from holiday and have been catching up on your news. Looks like you are having a great time. I heard about your ski dive from my mum. She is coming to Holland to join us for her 91st birthday on the 19th of July. We will give her a small party. i will be able to show her your pictures and stories. If you want to send her a message send it to my e mail.
Stuart and Joke
Hi, the jungle sounds wonderfull . Hope to see you both back without two many bumps and bruses. keep having fun, love to both Linda.
Everything sounds so exciting now,we are all envious, but like Shenagh have to be sarisfied with our humble travels, I think Ive done well getting to the hairdresser, and we are going to Manchester on Sunday, cant get much more adventirous than that. Make sure you put all the snakes back in their kennels . Love and lots looking forward to seeing you both. Nana
Shenagh And Paul
Getting quite jealous of everyone being away! Paul is back from Zambia with tales of people, places and views and is back there again in a few weeks.He's also just been asked if he would be interested in going to Dubai. I'll just mosey around going to exotic places like Ipswich, Norwich and Basingstoke. Oh, and my landrover has just died! RIP. Have loads of fun. Luv, us.
here I am back at last, this technology and ma are not compatible!Hope you are still enjoying it all, your taxi ride sounded abit grim, but maybe now you have seen everything in daylight it will be better. I am getting quite excited about going to Marlow next week, Saturday I went to Gordale, by taxi with a friend who wanted some plants, turns out she wanted them for me, and she has done some lovely hanging baskets...even a hanging basket can be exciting when you don't get out much. keep on with the adventure, take care of each other, love you, see you again soon. Nana.xxxxx
Hi, hope the next 4 weeks goes well. with a bit of help from Richard (who sends his love) I've found your blog.
Went to see Nana Eleanor yesterday, her computer has been playing up, but it may be fixed now, you will hopefully hear from her soon.
Love to you both take care and enjoy it all, Linda x