The story so far...
Calico (Ghost Town)
Morning gang!
First off i just want to highlight my first thought upon discovering the size of our camper, it went something along the lines of "s***, how the **** am i supposed to drive that thing??" Turned out ok as it happens and so far we've managed not to smash it up (although the exhaust pipe might not agree with that statement but we wont go into that...), still not sure which moron decided to drive on the WRONG side of the road though (they drive on the right here in case you didnt know). Anyway, after thawing ourselves in the communal shower (thats right - we're REAL campers) we hit the road and headed in the vague direction of Calico which is a ghost town from back when Silver was mined in the area in the 1890's. More importantly though, along the way we stopped off for a chilli burger and a shake at "Peggy Sue's Nifty Fifties Diner", which as you probably guessed is a traditional all American Diner, it looks just like you see in the movies (we got pictures). After eating for the sake of it (we werent even hungry) we carried on up to Calico. At its peak Calico had a population of about 3000, today it stands at 9 which is pretty much the people that run the town. It was quite nice but much more commercialised than we were expecting so we wondered round for about an hour. They do have about $6 million worth of silver sat in the hills (which were pointed out to us), unfortunatley though it was also pointed out that it would cost about $10 million to process it - bummer! Once we were resigned to playing the lottery again we headed out of town but decided to spend the night at their RV park just below the town, nice spot and lovely evening so we spent the evening sat out at our picnic table watching the neighbours and waiting for the (very strange) park ranger to come and collect our payment. Great news though, we had an actual bed for the night (not even having to wear our coats to fend off the frost!) so a good(ish) nights sleep was had by all (or us two at least). 2 nights down, 25 to go.... Love A & M xxxx- comments