At some point (time begins to warp), I arrived back at Uganda Lodge Community Project, aka The Lodge. After spending quite a lot of time moving houses, cities, countries and continents, it felt a bit like coming home, largely due to Tom and Jordan being there to greet me with hugs and smiles. Two very lovely guys who were here when we were here before, and also a big reason for me to return.
Unfortunately, their time here was coming to an end, and so, to make the most of their last few days I joined them for a week in Kampala and Jinja: White water rafting and bungee jumping.
It was a beautiful sunny day when we were rafting, 6 of us in a raft, Asaph, our guide, steering us with a constant suspicious grin on his face. Varying degrees of nerves, delight and determination as we flip at the second rapid, half flip at the last and conquer the others. Aah, the feeling of ultimate power and ninja-ness as you surf the wave knowing you are still on the raft. Just. Somehow. And the pure joy and hysterics coming from Asaph as he watches helmetted heads bob down the nile at a rather fast speed. What a great way to spend a day!
And what better way to follow that than throw yourself off a 149 foot platform? A brief moment of feeling like a bird, followed by a second of feeling very human, ending with a good splash of the Nile. What a buzz, leaving me with a craving of everything fast and fun (particularly swinging trapeze). Amazing what fun you can have if you just go for it. If any of you fancy a break from life, come to Uganda!
We left Jinja for Kampala and spent the following day in the hospital with Jordan who had got a nasty stomach infection from the Nile, and only began to become his normal entertaining positive self after two drips and an injection in the bum. He had to get injections every morning after that, but otherwise we were free to make the most of Kampala, where Becky joined us. Mosques, markets and incredible music, dancing and comedy. A tour of Idi Amin's torture chambers and the recent history of terror that went on here. Chilling on our balcony with Charlie (my ukelele), a diablo and a drink. That is life.
It was a beautiful week and we were all sad to say goodbye and go our seperate ways: Me, back to the Lodge, Tom back to the UK and Jordan on to Thialand. But, I'm already very excited for our reunion in Vietnam in 2 months. Till then my friends!
- comments
Ebba Love reading your updates! X
Jim The joys of white water and friends. Great to read of your adventures.