Merry Christmas Everyone
Hope you all had a fun day. I know that i wont ever forget this xmas day. The festivities started on Christmas Eve with me and Claire splashing out on a steak for our dinner insted of the free meal we would normally get. It was well worth it. We then sat and watched Home Alone, had a few beers then cracked open the Champagne for a wee game of Singstar on The Playstation. Always good fun especially our attempt of Beastie Boys Tricky and Tina Turners Simply the Best. We even managed to get Jason our boss up singing a wee bit of Simple Minds. Eventually we went to bed about half past one.
Christmas morning Sonja phoned and woke us both up at half nine to wish us a happy christmas. So it was pressie time. Mum and Dad sent me a wee gift and it was a nice new Rangers top. Claire got me a selection of random gifts: A tin of Spaghetti, a DipDab, Can of Irn Bru, Nail File, Chocolate Santa and a book.
For breakie we had a nice big fry up and then me Claire and Stef headed over to Sarahs house for lunch. She owns the Kayaking company so we had to blow up a Kayake to sit in and eat our lunch. A very strange but funny thing to be doing on Christmas day. See the photos! After a few drinks we headed back to The Park where we watched Toy Story 2 and Home Alone 2.
Dinner at The Park was a buffet for us, Ham, chicken, stuffing ,roast potatoes, veg, gravy and follwed by pavlova and christmas cake. All very yummy. We all had a few free drinks after and then for some reason Jason got our some wigs and we had a bit of a laugh with them(see photos)
Getting up for work Boxing Day wasnt easy especially for Claire at 5.30am!!! I got up at 8am and managed to webcam my family and see my wee nephew playing with all of his many toys.
Our time at The Park is nearly over, we leave on Monday for Wellington and then off to the south Island on the 3rd, heading for Queenstown to meet up with our new buddies Jen and Jess.
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