Hi everyone!
This is our first blog! We have arrived safely in Beijing, the plane journey was great, lots of free alcohol! Can't be bad! We had an airport pick up by someone from our hostel, which was great because things here are a little more confusing than you would think! Our phones don't work out here, which is poo to say the least but they may work in Shanghai if not then hopefully Hong Kong. Not many people here speak English, which makes it very difficult when trying to buy things especially phones cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had our first meal at a Chinese restaurant tonight and it started off ok but towards the end me and adam were heaving with the taste of it, especially after stopping by a street vendor who sold what looked like breaded chicken in sauce, but from what we could taste there was no chicken, only some form of squidgy meat in a foul tasting sauce that made adam spit his out and i only just about swallowed mine!
But anyway moving on from the yucky food, which to be honest you all knew me and Adam wouldn't like! (maccies tomorrow!) The hostel we are in is in a great locations, only about a 20-30 minute walk to the forbidden city, which is fantastic we can't wait to go there tomorrow! We are also shopping around for a tour of the Great Wall of China but our hostel does it pretty cheap and the tour includes the Ming tombs so we will prob opt for that! Especially considering we can't ask anyone about any other tours because they don't speak English!
We should be moving onto Shanghai on Wednesday the train station we leave from seems really close to the hostel so thats good! Adam has been reading up on Shanghai and he says they may be speaking a little more English than they do here, so keep your fingers crossed.The weather has been very muggy and overcast today but that meant we could explore Beijing without being boiled, also the hot weather makes us not want to eat which is great for us and especially for me, Dads right i probably will lose 3 stone in the first week (i wish). We haven't taken any photos yet but we will be taking tons as of tomorrow, we are slightly on the outskirts here in an area called Hutong which previously had lots of wells that make sweet and bitter tasting water?!?!?!? Haven't tried that yet! We will try an update when we can internet is pretty cheap so should be ok to do it before we leave Beijing! We are loving and missing you all very much, and hope you are all finding cold old England just as much fun as we do Beijing!
Lots of love Adam and Sam
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