We got to the ferry no worries I then however stupidly changed all the money forgetting I need some for the crossing. The woman in the ticket office was not impressed when Keeley swore not at her I hasten to add and threaten to have us thrown in jail. We managed to calm her down and change a dollar with someone to pay for our crossing.
The cheapest hotel in the guide book was not cheap so Keeley stayed with the bags while I went in search of cheaper digs. Two hours wandering in the very hot sun nothing cheap. Kasane is a town for high end tourism and the lodges that go with it. Botswana seems to be better off than the rest of Africa lots of nice houses and shops. No one trying to get money off us and everyone in better clothes than me. I went to the SPA to buy our lunch and dinner no eating out for us. The hotel was nice an en-suite and a TV for first time in two months.
Next day we went into town booked a Chobe river cruise at one of the lodges. We went down early to the lodge so we could cheekly use there pool. The cruise itself was Keeley and I and a group of Japanese. It was a good cruise, nice to safari on water for a change. Lots of Hippos and crocodiles as well as birds everywhere. Keeley found herself getting a little bored and I was not as enthralled as on previos safaris. Maybe it is posssible to over safari. We also missed one of the shots we really wanted of a hippo with it's mouth open. The hippo decided to do it just when we had given up and put the camera away. We will have to wait until our next visit to Africa. Quiet night due to economics, onto Maun and the Okavango Delta.
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