Aaron and Beckys Surfari!
Yo. We are now in Playa Carmen at the moment chilling out. After we left Jaco we spent 8 hours travelling to get to this supposed out of the way surf spot. We caught a sweaty bus, then a boat and then got a local with a jeep to take us offroading. We been travelling with a couple of ozzies who are cool so thats been nice aswell. Once we got to Playa Carmen, which is next to the more well known Mal Pais on the Nicoya Peninsula, we checked into a nice cabina which is upmarket from our last place, but is still only costing us 4 pounds each! The place is actually pretty busy here as i guess everyone wants to go to those out of the way places! But with dawn patrols at 5am, we are not complaining! The surf has been consistent everyday, offshore til midday and around the headhigh mark, and of course we are both riping!! We have seen loads of cool wildlife including crocadiles, huge lizards and a pack of monkeys which barked like a dog!!
We are going to chill out here for a while and get used to doing nothing before heading further north on the Nicoya Peninsula!
Thanks for everyones messages, we will email soon.
Gotta go and chill out now in the 30degree sunshine!!
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