Decided it was time for some modern architecture so made my way to the Olympic Village to see the Birds Nest Stadium as Ive always liked the look of it. Paid extra for what they described as an air tunnel - had no idea what it was, but decided to give it a go。 It was actually walkway on the roof!!? - it was slightly scary as the ground was mesh and you could see right down, but the views were great and it was quite exciting! Although the stadium itself was pretty good, the exhibitions left a lot to be desired - a wax museum of each and every Olympic President - really!? -something Ive always wanted to see (Not!)。Dont think they had considered the legacy of the stadium as although other stadiums have been reused, this one just seems to be a tourist attraction now - bit of a shame really。 That was enough excitement for one day, so made my way back into town and decided to revisit Wafungjing market - thats the place where they sell all sorts of things on sticks - there were snakes, scorpions, sheep's penises (is that the right way to spell it?), spiders and other equally horrible things - had said that I might try something, but just couldnt bring myself to - it was still turning my stomach. The poor scorpions were skewered but were still wriggling around before they were stuck on the grill - yeuch. Saw one guy eat the scorpions but most people where just taking pictures. Went to the Lama Temple the next day, which is apparently the most famous Buddist Temple outside of Tibet - again - I am totally mesmerised by the detail that they put into these buildings - our places of worship are very unimaginitive in comparison! Most of the people there were worshippers and they all came along with their incense sticks, set them alight and then did all their bowing and kow towing to the various Buddha statues. All that sightseeing is giving me a good appetite and I have had some pretty good food here - Donna, the tofu is to die for here - nothing like the horrible spongy stuff we have at home. They shred it sometimes for salads and cook it other times - yum. Unfortunately, all this yummy food has ended my hopes of losing weight while I am away - it was carbs, carbs and more carbs in Russia, meat, meat and more meat in Mongolia and now is just lots and lots of good food and Beer - will have to wait until I get home to lose the extra pounds :)、So today is my last day of being on my own as I will join my new group for the tour of China soon - hope the new hotel has wi fi. I am starting to get used to being jam packed in the bus, being stared at and the spitting and slurping is also starting to get less irritating - well okay, the spitting is still bothering me at times.....:/. I am trying to be more tolerant, but on my tour of the Hutongs yesterday, thought I was going to punch the next person that said 'Hello, Lady - you want rickshaw' - feel like getting a t-shirt printed saying - I do not speak English and if its a rickshaw ride 'p'ss off'!!!. I have started pretending I am Russian as its the only language the scammers dont speak. I tried pretending I was German, but was a bit of a disaster as he also spoke German - so Russian it is from now on. Well, again my time is nearly up - so will finish off for now - you'll probably get another from Beijing as I have plenty of time of my hands..... :)
- comments
Christine Hi Karen, just watch and don't get too cocky. Glad you meeting up with group safety in numbers as they say. Love reading about your travels but never had inclination to see the world myself. God knows where Carrie got the bug. Asked your Dad if he'd like to come down to Liverpool for a week but don't think he will. We all good here, young Scott broken collar bone again!!! Footie injury this time and they have the puppy now. Archie mac. He's cute but animals not my thing, Proper Paterson as they say. Take care Karen I mean it. Lots of Love Christine
Joanna Hi Karen! Ace hearing all about what you're doing and I'm keeping the rest of the family updated!! Have some dumplings and jasmine tea for me :) xx
Karen Ha ha - forgot you had been here already Joanna! Enjoying the dumplings and jasmine tea :) hope all is well with you - thanks for keeping your grandma and mum updated x