Completed the last leg of the Trans-siberian! It was an experience, the trip from UB to Beijing was short compared to the last leg - Chinese passport control was tedious as I expected, but the change from the Russian railway guage to the Chinese one was pretty interesting. They took our passports to check our visas then the whole train was taken into a huge shed. The carriages were split up - the whole carriage, with us inside it was lifted up on a winch thing and the new wheels were put on - it was really interesting to watch and as they had us in three rows, you got a good view of the next carriage being lifted and wheels changed - you werent supposed to take photos, but everyone else was so I just joined in! The whole operation was very slick but think they do it on an almost daily basis, so guess they get plenty of practice. The Chinese army invaded the train and shouted orders at us in Chinese, which I just assumed mean STAY IN YOUR CABIN!! - I was so scared at the female chinese soldier who took my passport I actually saluted back (!) not sure why ...:) Anyway, I am certainly learning patience from this trip!. I shared my cabin with a 24 year old hippie looking German musician who was travelling round - he entertained me and the other passengers by playing Beatles songs on his guitar - the ones when they were in their 'peace man' mode of the early 70s... was a weird thing for a 24 year old to like but it takes all sorts! The rest of my tour were first class for this trip, but I met heaps of people, a couple of Swedes, a Belgian, French as well as millions of Germans - they certainly get around. They all spoke embarrassingly good English although I wondered if the last one I talked to in Siberia was related to the someone from the Third Reich, they are certainly not all like that. The musician was about 6 ft 4, but told me he was a little bit scared when they were moving our carriage to the Chinese guage - aw bless.....:). We arrived in Beijing and to my disappointment no wi fi, so I am spending what is probably about a million pounds to update my blog - Im here for a week, so no internet and only tv from the Peoples Republic of China to keep me amused!
Visited the Temple of Heaven and Tianamen Square, (I know that spelling is wrong, but my time is running out) and I decided to leave the group as they were going to the Forbidden City, which I want to do on my own as I have lots of time. Im feeling pretty great as I managed to find my way back to the hotel on foot by my map ( a 40 minute walk) - only Erlend and my kids will know how brilliant that is for me - map reading is not one of my talents!!
Getting looks from the receptionist, so I will finish now. Going to an acrobatic show tonight, then tomorrow is the Great Wall!!
Zaijain (thats goodbye in Chinese:) xxx
- comments
Donna Once again very interesting. You will be an expert in map reading by the time you come back! Enjoy the Forbidden City when you go and also the Great Wall of China, I would love to see that! Take Care Donna x
Diane Bowie Loving reading your blog it sounds brilliant. Enjoy the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. Wish I could see all this xx
Kirsty Scrumptious you sound like you are having a total incredible time. My Dad will be super jealous that you saw the changing of the train to the Chines guage and I'm sure will demand to see the photos with menaces at the Games. You sound like you are meeting some really interesting folk - I do hope that you were singing along to your tuneful German's guitar playing. Have you had any crazy things to eat yet? If you are out on the tiles in Beijing look out for deep fried chicken feet in bags (I remember being offered this when I was coming out of a night club - Chinese equivalent of chips and sauce). Oh but look out for some of the amazing vegetable dishes that they prepared (I remember one with runner beans and masses of garlic - it was superb). Maybe you could compile a recipe book of dishes from your travels. I'm sure that you will be totally blown away by the Great Wall - I certainly was. Oh and keep your eyes peeled for a giant slide that takes you down from the top of the wall (Mum came down the wall that way and we have an hilarious photo of her doing so). All is grand here - still no kitchen but I have my fingers crossed that it will not be long and I am super keen that you help me turn myself into a chef in the summer. We are off to the Eurovision Song Contest at the weekend with Dave and Jas (who send their love). I think it will be totally hilariious and promise to send photos (particularly if we can make Sean wear a Union Jack onsie). Well done with the map reading - you are a truely independent explorer now. Loads of love and huge hugs and best wishes for fantastic travels Kirsty and Sean xxx