welcome home, sorry we couldn't be with you but we're stuck in portugal with a big sun shine! hope you sleep well in your own beds.
lots of love
Ian & Bernie
Welcome back Nick & Zoe. I don't know how you found time to write your blogs/post photos etc - I've only managed to read a few of them (although I have been working for a living...!).
Reality check #1 : Cold, wet, windy, back to work(?) mortgage, income tax, recession, crap beer....when are you off again?
Ian & Bernie
Happy Birthday Nick.
Birthday Cake With Curry - YUMMY !
Pam, Mike, Robyn, Brenda, Rob ADN all the rest of us.
Hans, Rose And Max Versteeg
Hey guys, enjoy your last few days, we're really going to miss your blog, where next?!!!
Well the hair/mullet is amazing, it;s going to a national monument, the cutting is going become a bank holiday!
Loving your food trials and tribulations! We are having our own food trials with Sofia - baby feeding is pretty messy!
Can't wait to read how you get on with indian food!
get a haircut Massey!!! ha I failed the sum test!
Loving the blog. I'm so missing travelling. You've definitely done it the right way round. Have a great time in Laos and if you're taking the slow boat to Luang Prabang, hope your backsides survive the journey!
Nick - the hair is beyond a joke now - give it up!!!! Ha ha! Peachy x
Nick - dont you take any cr*p off these Gutteridge boys about your thatch. If they only knew about your Irish hair-growing heritage, they would be shaking in their shoes and be preparing to fall to their knees out of pure respect next time the see you never mind allowing you to join the 'top table'.
(Hi there Fred & Harry)
Hi Zoe and Nick,
Just in case you've got some spare cash feel free to visit my web site, I'm doing the bournemouth pier to pier swim for the British Heart Foundation.
Happy travels Darran
P.S anyone else reading the blog feel free to donate
Nick and Zoe
Just had a gander at your photos and looks amazing! Noticed you've bumped into on of Marks mates on your travels. Small world. Very jealous and brings back memories of when we were travelling. By the way what is going on with that hair do kid. It's something special. Take it easy an enjoy!