Nick all I can say is Hinckley 22:Market Bosworth 12!!!!
not a good first game back after the christmas 'eat and drink as much as poss' period!!
pics are looking awesome, hope your both having a top time.
very littles changed here guys, the Stink is as you left it, Trumph is still very similar to working in a concentration camp, oh and playing for Bosi 3s is still as annoying as ever!! Cutter and Witter..I'll say no more!
Keep enjoying t guys and keep the pics coming!
Moy & Pete
Hi there Zoe & Nick
Have just spent an hour getting upto date with your last photographs and reading the blog. You do so many activities each day that it is hard to keep up with you! We are following the route on our atlas. Hope you can have a day off soon to recover! Have the noses & ears have recovered ? love P & Moy
Hi - Been nudging any sharks lately?
Was a gooood time in Galapagos. You've got to upload the pics soon. Won't believe the Manta Ray story before I see it.
Anyhoo, hope you're having a good time
Chris (the dane)
What is it with you boy ??
What's this thing you got a thing about big 'orney lizards ??
Mind How You Go.
Well it looks like your having a s*** time, if you wanna come home early I'll swap places with you, I'm good like that!
Graham An Nick
happy new year to both of you we are just about sobering up!he he far far to many mince pies!! hope you are haveing a great time it all sounds fantastic,we are following you on the blog each week,we are setting up our own blog for you to follow ok-Today it was cold and wet,tommorow looks like cold and very wet,Tue very cold but not so wet are you excited!he he take care,big hug from big bruv an little sis xxxxx
Moy & Pete
Happy New Year we have just read your Galapagos Blog it sounds truly amazing! Did you see "the Beagle " moored up by any chance? We are all really envious of your travels. Hope to see your Mum & Dad this weekend. We are enjoying this really cold dry sunny weather -6 in Anglesey too!!! love M & P
James Colbrook
Happy new year guys! Sounds like your having a great time and getting into the swing of travelleing.
You will love Peru, are you going to Cuzco first? The buses in Peru are amazing...way better than Equador you'll be glad to hear! MAke sure you try guinea pig.
Happy New Year to you both.
I think you are in the right place - Knutsford temperature Sunday night 21 F. (thats -6 in new money) Great pictures - Keep 'em coming.
M & P
Dan S
Start with a Happy New year to you both. Sounds like you are having a blast, as the temperature here is nudging 1°C on warm afternoon, I am thinking, you guys have the right idea. Blogs are a good read, some amazing pics, keep it country!!
Happy New Year!
Loving the photos - it's snowing here! You were missed when we all went out at Xmas on da rock. The Cave was a classic...
Take care, Eleanor.x
hi you two,
What an excellent trip you are on, am loving getting the emails reminding me to log on for a gawp!
ok dont get too jealous... but im now off to a bunkhouse in north wales for new year! exotic eh!