Hello you travelling minstrels!
Apologies for the no replysies but I have only recently discovered this glorious blog. Am delighted that you are all enjoying yourselves and that you have found enough to keep you amused even at the ever apparent risk of tropical disease. Happy Birthday(s) to you both and Happy Christmas and Happy New Year and Happy Rammadhan and any other celebration I have forgot.
Speak soon
Mrs Killjoy
A happy new year to both of you. Hope you had a good celebration - don't send pictures! I finished papering and painting David's room yesterday - radiator going back on today, so we can have HEAT!!! In keeping with our festive spirit at New Year, we went to bed at 9.30 and moaned about the fireworks waking us up at midnight! Apparently David was looking for a houseparty somewhere in Loughborough - don't know whether or not he found it, but probably had his own street party as plan B. Anyway, the sun is shining today, so perhaps that is a good omen for 2007. Lots of luck and love, Mum xxx
Having a great time here...ill and tired and it's only 10pm.
Quitting my job aswell, it has been horrible! Being mean to me and have been giving me less money without telling me. i am pretty irate about it. Only working 3 more days and then i shall hopefully be free! Wooo. However on the plus side i did manage to blag £25 worth of free cake the other day... but i had nobody to share it with, as you two fellow cake lovers are now dining on Baracuda of whathaveyou.
You can probably tell from my increase in my messaging quantity, i have been very bored and am missing uni...esp rowing. boo.
Lots of 2007 love, Twigz xx
Cousin Asha
Hello Sarah
We are at Grandad's for the new year.We hope you had a nice birthday and a happy new year to you and zoe.See you next year love Asha.
Herro Sarah!!! happy Birthday for yesterday!!! and happy new year to both of you for tonight! i have the joy of a new years day family walk tomorrow! whoop whoop!
hope you're drinking responsibly out there, cos i know you used to when you were here. lies!
muchos loveus xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mr Simon & Mrs Kay
Hope you had a good birthday Sarah and didn't get stuck behind Zoe in any of those tunnels.
Thought you'd like to know preperations have been underway here for tonights "Big One", I've been out practising my party moves every night since our return :-)
Keep well,
Simon and Kay.
The Old Foggies (Gran And Grandad G)
Hi Sarah,
Congratulations on reaching your 19th, and lets hope you have a belta down on the Delta!
As I look out of the window a burst of sunshine (unusual stuff here) has flooded the late afternoon gloom. It is the only decent weather we have seen over the Christmas period.
Most of the family have come and gone. Richard is now enroute to Scotland by train and a megabus, and may stop off at Peter's place at Kingussie tonight.
Peter returned to the Highlands on the 28th.
Your Mum, bother, and Jon did a Christmas day flyer.
We returned the compliment on the 27th, and returned to Dorchester on 28th. Richard drove us back as I succombed to some creepy Bristol virus that attacked my inner ear and left we off balance and woozy. Now on the mend.
Looking forward to reading the next episode of the Grand Tour.
Have a great day and thanks for the Christmas pressie of the liqurice allsorts!! Best ask Mum how they arrived from the other side of the planet!
Helen and Asha and Jasmine due to arrive tonight for the New Year.
Love to Zoe and you
Good luck for 2007
Frank and Ros
Happy Birthday Tenderz! Hope you are celebrating it style. Nothing much to report, except met up with Zosh yesterday and went to dins and drinks..we miss you guys! We got on what can only be described as a hurricane on Whiteladies Rd and ended up absolutely soaked. (I dont know if you remember there is something called R-A-I-N pronouced rah- ay- ne.)
Anyway all the love as usual
Amber xxxx
Ancient Mum
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SARAH! Hope you're having a great day, and celebrating in style. I'm afraid there are no architect-designed cakes on their way to you this year, but I expect you can live with the disappointment. Vietnam is definitely a cool place to be on your 19th - the weather in England is totally miserable at the moment. Enjoy the sunshine! Love, Mum, Jon and Rich (en-route back to Scotland) xxx
Hi guys!
Made it through another xmas without too many family arguments.. (as if! i have only been back 6 days and its a nightmare!!) as usual the car journey to Nottingham was hilarious with my mum commentating the whole way! Roleplay-
Mum: 'David watch that car!' 'David you were going to miss that turning wernt you?' 'SHOOT!' 'SHOOOOOOOOT DAVID!'
Dad: 'No.There will be no shooting Dee' (calm as ever)
Very excited as i got a super dooper headtorch for xmas which had a comically large button on saying 'TEST ME' so i tested it and gave myself temporary blindness. I then saw the extreme writing on the box ' WARNING. DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE LIGHT.'
Anywho..Hope you had a good xmas, and have wicked new years and bday celebrations!
Mr Simon
Hi Gang,
Hope you had a good Christmas wherever you ended up :-)
We made it back okay complete with our bags this time and no additional flight to Zurich. I kind of missed an unexpected overnight stay in Amsterdam on the return trip too. It's B cold here and i'm missing the "Bug" entertainment.
Keep well, XX
Holly Again
i would like to add i did not censor my 'obscenity! ' i'm obviously too hardcore for Sta Travel. Although as a sufferer of tourettes (all of a sudden) i'm slightly offended that so much of vocabulary is deemed unacceptable. F**k, B******s, S**t.
It's xmas eve, i should be out.