What was that about not having to wear any jumpers for 4 months? Me move went well, except the boiler blew up so no heating or hot water for me on my first night, and the oven doesn't work although i'm not exactly roughing it i know. Glad you're both fine and dandy. I havent been to the oak since that last time we went, so maybe we'll do a reinactment of 'That aftershock night' upon your return.Sound good? No i know it doesnt. Oohaha xxx
Hey, there! Northern Vietnam sounds like it was really excellent. Cocoa and campfires sound great this time of year. Now we'll have matching woolly hats! Hope your mission in China goes well, and look forward to hearing all about it in a week or so. Take care. Mx
Herro, true to form, long island iced team, beautiful. Me and shev have booked a table in Yum Yum Thai for when you return.
ahaha i kid of course, Glad you went for the easier and less complicated route also and well done on your uni exceptances applenty! Muchos Loveos Hols.xxx
Hey gyals! I'm moving out next week! whoop whoop! and a friend of one of my housemates has married a thai man and I was telling him bout your travels and he said if you go into some bar and mention you know 'Lop' you get good price on your booze, i cant remember what the bar is called i think its 'coconut' something, in a village i can't remember the name of (helpful i know) keep your little eyes out! hope all is well guys miss you lots xxx
Mr Simon
As it's now 10 days since Zoe & Sarah's last update I thought i'd let everyone know they are still alive and ahead of their schedule, this means the gruesome twosome could be on their way to China now as well. I'm sure a proper update will happen soon.
P.s. If you get me a shell suit i will love you forever.
Zoe you will particuarly like this...
'The vengabus?' i hear you cry, yes it is true the VENGABOYS are coming with East 17 to our union hahaha bring back the 90's or what?
I am going to try and get a picture of their 'vengabus' to compare it to our Andorian one. Ah hell i may break in instead and get you some inside footage.
See, my life is exciting too.
Lots of Venga love xxx
Mr Simon
Ha Ha! slow learner here, It just clicked with me what you've bought,
Re: "This evening we ordered 2 jackets, a dress and trousers from a local tailor. You can design clothes completely to your taste, with your choice of fabric and fit, with a silk dress costing about 12 pounds"
You've got yourselves "Scouser Shell Suits" haven't you! there was me thinking OOOh, posh new frock and that, but really you've both got your northern UNI starter kits!
Ha Ha!
Keep those messages coming girls, I spent a week imagining you lost/stuck in the tunnels. Im glad you are now concentrating on eating, especially as you are heading for the icy north of Vietnam. Did you order thermal underwear from the Tailor?
Off to take Ruby swimming - if she`s allowed. No floating barman for us.
Lots of love xxxxxxx
woo woo happy birthday and christmass and new year!!!!! (- i'm not sure when my last msg was so thought i'd squish in all the celebratory and festive greetings i could think of...!) you guys are now my idols - doing every cool thing in the world ever!!! got fatally rejected from cambridge so going to celebrate in India on my gap year - all starting to sort itself out ut i want my two gurus's advice about world travelling adventuring before i mish it off :D come back sooooon i miiisssss yoooouuu!!! love love and more love xxxxxxx me xxxxxxxx
Hey.... happy new year! And i hope you guys partied it up on sarahs birthday! Especially with all dat cheap booze! Anyway really miss you, be safe and have fun
love shev x