What's going on geeza's. Down in cold rainy Knoxfield getting drunk and toasted with my cousin and his wife. That's right Kinga his wife! He's been here a year and he's married. Only so he can stay in the country. Weird huh! Life sux man! I wish I was there with you's pervin on that fit Michelle bird. She is sweet!! Miss you f***ers like crazy! Hope you boys will make an attempt to get back for Sime's in Augusto! It would be f***EN SICK!!! to see your arses. Keep it real f***ers. And may I say in closing SNOOCHIE BOOCHIES to the both of you!!!
P.S Say hi to Dave and Belinda for me.
Cheers The Dog
Glad to hear that you're keeping the music industry alive
Jonny Apples
OK so now I must change my previous statement that both Murry and Utku would say "keep up the good work". So keep up the good work everyone.
Love the photos Zane. It's like a whole different country over there!
hehe... Keep up the good work buddy.
Jonny Apples
Sorry mate St Kilda lost to The Doggies!
Jonny Apples
Phillip Harvey - Classic Humour! Keep up the amusing posts!
Zane, I'm surprised Dave and Bel invited you camping after you lay in the tent at Wilsons Prom while your camping partners did the hard work putting it up. I guess you were helping by making sure it didn't blow away...hehe...as Muz would say..."good stuff Zane, keep up the good work". Glad to hear you are loving life and seeing more and more of the country each week. Keep up your enertaining postcards and I look forward to seeing your web page you have created! All is good here in NZ, the sheep keep baaaaing and life bumbles on while Hayley grows more and more each day. She's now 9 weeks old and is gooing and gaaing and has just surpassed my maturity levels! Damn, maybe I'll have to grow up soon and be a proper Dad...NAAHHHH!
Cheers and have an Ale for your old bud JC.
Philip Harvey
Where is Collingwood on that ladder?
Collingwood is eleventh on the ladder.
Collingwood is eleventh on the ladder.
Collingwood is eleventh on the ladder.
Callingcard is awolfnth upon the larder.
Curtaincall is elephant on the leader.
Curdsandwhey's earnest on the loader.
Cuttingedge is elevator in the latter.
Coolingtower is urgently the lager.
Combinationlock's utrecht intifada.
Curdlingscream's aloof and on the letter.
Cullingwok is elevated to the ladel.
Howdy Zane, How are things going? the photos look unreal, im so jeous...... you have my new email address now so there is no excuse for NO personal mail....... Nickers x
If May was the month time forgot I must have the website that Zane forgot. Time's up! If you're too busy with paid employment and having too much fun the rest of the time just let me know and I will make alternative arrangements. Saints have not lost a game since you left Australia - who would have believed it! The perrenial May premiers might just do an Arsenal and go all the way. Winter has officially arrived and thoughts turn to weekends at the snow and cheap airfares to Queensland. Hope all is going well and you are getting some travelling in. When are you off to the continent?
Philip Harvey
May, the month that never was. England, where daffodillies yellow and white delight the eye, but not the voice box. A word for daffadialups? Not even a text message, let alone the poem that makes the dufffledale new again. Australia, quiet as a bush mouse, winter breathing under the door, the sea blueblack till the shore, and the sky? Fields of your average grey and black. May, the month time forgot. The image generation laughs at the wine bar of its choice while words like May capital M swirl this way or that, depending on the hemisphere, down the bowl of no regrets. Why don't you write? Or anyone. May vanishes like English snow or Australian sunlight. We look, they are words. Or not even that if you have forgotten how to compose a sentence. 12 good reasons not to drop a line about May, starting now. Or is it easier to hit Escape? Here we are in the postcard of the future, Entering the words that help us forget about May. And following shortly, the postcard of the furniture.
The photos from your partay are online Finally
Kerrie And Brendan
Hi Zane, Sounds like your friends from Australia are giving you a hard time. I think they are jealous that they are not over there with you. Can;t keep up with all your photos. You have become the expert in photography. My big news is that Greg C mentioned was that Brendan and I bought a house in East Malvern. Finally!! Brendan found it and I looked at it the day we went into the Auction. We are going to do some renos as soon as we can get in it. Brendan's sister Flick and Ben are going to move into St Kilda which will be great as we can hang onto it a bit longer.
Wants with the sexy pants? Thought I would throw this line in to see how many others can incorporate the line "sexy pants" into their messages.
Keep up the partying! I will back on line with more big news in the coming weeks.