Wow it looks like you are having an absolute ball!!!!!
Keep it up
Nic x x
Hey Sexy Pants,That is Zane, Lewis. After our conversation the other night i checked your website only to find that i am indeed up to date with all your little adventures so back off ok. Oh and i am sorry bout the last comment i promise that i will not bag you again unless you start talking like a pom which i have picked up on... so STOP IT!!! Shan says Hello and where is my CD b****!!! Have fun Love Kelz
Hi Zane, it's really nice to see ya having a fun, can see you have been visiting Wales. I regularly visiting your website, cos got good memory. Got plans to Visit UK again for short time (company trip) and also want to stay and have a party with you and Lew, but i am not quite sure now, waiting for a results. I still keep you posted a got good women to have a fun in my country. Give an love to Bree and Lew
Look after yourself man!
Greg & Greg (The 2 Gregs)
Its mothers day and we are all round here paying respect to all the mothers - Shirl, Dot, Michelle. Lunch was just like Xmas in May ie same pile of food but the weather is a bit colder.
Alysha, Tom and Marcus are here along with Kerrie and Brendan who have bought something big - you had best check with her. The latest score - females 22,345,980 words to the males 78 words.
Your old man is here farting around with the computer. Thats when he showed me your web site which I will explore a bit more from work because the connection is faster for a gig at the photos.
News - Michelles taken up bike riding in a big way and is going to do the great vic bike ride later in the year and I am going too for the heck of it. Tom is playing football for school, Haileybury, and they are undefeated after 2 games (beat last years premiers Xavier yesterday).
Sounds like you are having fun - dont stop now.
Greg C.
What is the matter with you!!!!! You have everything at your feet and no GOSSIP! How disapointing.
Barb - no pestering me about gossip mail. I have nothing, it's all boring ;) ----------
Adrian - great to hear you guys made the finals. You know if I'd been there you would have gone all the way and better luck next season. I'm missing competative sport, if not just to keep fit. I went to a boxing training session last week in my lunch break and it almost killed me! This week I'm filling in for a football (soccer) team so maybe that will quench my thirst for a while, that's if I don't drop dead from exhaustion. ----------
Darryl - Firstly, I don't think I'm a womaniser... and before everyone responds with comments to say otherwise, please note that it is possible to be friends with women and nothing more. I'd rather be called a nymphadoro (spelt something like that, I'm sure Philip will know) which means is a man who gets along well with women, or at least that's what Lew told me. I have met a few ladies from Perth but I'm afraid they're not on their way home any time soon. Try looking in your own back yard for more immediate results and if pain persists, please see your doctor. Mystery bus sounds like a lot of damage. I probably would have sculled AND sung a beatles songsat the same time (we all live in a yellow submarine... girgle girgle...) ----------
Kellie - okay so maybe I was having a bad hair day or maybe hair fashion in Melbourne is a little behind London... I don't know, but I live with three hairdressers so I can always go for a change if it gets out of control. ----------
So has anyone got something nice to tell me? Perhaps I'm missed or loved... ahhh forget it.... who needs ya! Just stay cool and remember that summer is on it's way over here... woohoo!!! :)
Whats with the hair???
Hi Zane
The latest pics are great. At least life is not all parties and womanising. Perth is currently going through a drought. Most days are around 27 to 30 with the odd sprinkle of rain. Spent the Easter down south eating and sampling the wines at the vineyards in Margaret River. Friends had a spa party on Good friday so mate and I took heaps of crays and fish and cooked them on the barbie for a party of 20. Someone put bubble bath in the spa and we had the front yard covered with suds and spilling on to the road. It was like snow in April.
This weekend went to a friends 40th. He hire a double decker bus which took us on a mystery tour of the vineyards in Swan Valley 10k from Perth. If you were caught drinking with your right hand you had to scull or sing a beatles song. Most people chose to sing especailly late in the afternoon.
Must go take care over there
PS. Have you cross paths with any women coming to Perth?
Alright, rock on dude. You finally got the pics up. Sime, I hope there is enough for you and your fiance. As for you being sexy pants, Zane, I don't actually see your name in that post. Could have been to me. And before you say that its your site, that Zara chick posted that "sexy man boob manhoare" post to me (or so you say) so it can happen. Apparently. I hate having a big weekend and then jumping on the pc on the way home from Paul and Lauren's cos I just write absolute b******s.
Adrian (Age)
Hey dude, Good to c ur havin a great time.I'd thought i'd pop on ur site to c what ur up too and how ur keepn.Just to give u an update on ball,we made the finals and finished the season in second place. The first final we played the newts and they spanked us bad!so we had second chanceand we lost to pure dribble by 8pnts which we felt was a close game but we were all unfit.(to much partyn the night b4)Anyway no trophy 4 any of us.Have a great time and write when you gat a chance rove!whatda?peace.
Where is my gossip E-mail...........Waiting.........Waiting...........Waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep your pants on Lewis (be they not as sexy of mine of course... thanks Kelz), I'm a busy man. I'll try to have the photos from Wales up tonight after work but I make no guarantees. Good work with the place Sime, you top Aussie, you're living the Australian dream my friend. :) You'll be pleased to know that most (not all) of the photos do NOT include a lager or ale of any kind, but there are plenty of Castles. I'd never seen a real one before so I went a little camera happy. Will fill you all in with what we got up to in another postcard soon. Till then, in the words of Jeff Fenech, "I love yous all!"... Cheers! Zane