One week ago I'd never heard of Guy Fawkes day. After this weekend I don't think I'll ever forget. I read in the paper that annually Brits burn effigies, light bon fires and set off fireworks to commemorate Guy Fawkes' attempt to burn down parliament in 1604. Just a little harmless fun in the park. Wrong! I don't think I was really prepared for the three day onslaught that was soon to come. Seriously, I've never seen anything like it. Londoners must have spent a small fortune to light up the night sky. Form the moment the sun went down on Friday evening (and that's at 5pm these days) there were explosions every way you turned. I'm standing on the roof of my London home watching these missiles launch in to the sky in every direction wondering which bright spark thought up this tradition. It was out of control! I had one fly past at head height and explode into a neighbours building! Something had to be done... an intelligent and calculated retaliation to this madness. There was only one thing we could do... the only right thing you can do in a foreign country, we joined the b******s! We bought our own arsenal of fireworks to show that us Aussies weren't to be out done. Our show lasted almost 30 minutes and in my opinion was the best in our street. Good show old chaps!
Last week I saw Nick Cave and The Bas Seeds play a gig at the end of Hastings Pier about 3 hours south west of London. They played all the material from the new double album with backing singers and it sounded fantastic. To make it an even more enjoyable evening I scored a ride with my old Mute colleagues on their hired bus. To repay their generousity I bestowed upon them a beautiful rendition of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody over the bus microphone. Yes, well... in my defence, I did warn them! Anyway... I enjoyed myself so much that I'm going to see Nick Cave again at one of the biggest venues in London this week.
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