This is the nice cop who gave my mom a warning for speeding.....
aww, I'll bake him some cookies!
Well that makes a heck of a lot more sense than recovering from amisnea. I had initially figured that Meela was originally Yuen, but had suffered amisnea and been adopted by Tannor. But there were some pretty heavy flaws in that to begin with Namely flashback-Meela being pretty clearly younger than Yuen.
Michele aww, I'll bake him some cookies!
Santosh Well that makes a heck of a lot more sense than recovering from amisnea. I had initially figured that Meela was originally Yuen, but had suffered amisnea and been adopted by Tannor. But there were some pretty heavy flaws in that to begin with Namely flashback-Meela being pretty clearly younger than Yuen.