Ying-Ying's off to see the world!
Hiya and welcome to malaysia! its been a very interesting time here. I've done a lot more ahtan expected and its all thanks to my friend Tze and his mate my new friend/driver/guide Sam. they have shown me mainly outside KL, places to eat and place see. we went o Panang which was fun, malaka which was nice little friendly town and recently went to Cameron Highlands which was refreshing! only spent a day in KL city and that was to go up to the bridge between the twin towers and did a lot of shopping as thats all there seems to be in the city and as my friends keep saying 'its cheap for you, you earn pounds!' so i've packed like 2 boxes ready to be sent home! My next stop will be done alone and thats to eastern malaysia a place called Sabah where im suppose to climb a very tall mountain-and we shall see how i go with that! xx
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